Chapter 19:The Break In Part 1

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Sunday Morning
Arian POV
        "Boo bear" I said shaking August to wake him "get up I want you to go to church with me" I whined in his ear. He groaned and rolled over and put the pillow over his head. I snatched it off and hit him with it. "Wake up!" I screamed at him.
August POV
         I turned over and squinted at Arian "Arian baybeh I'm tired." She rolled her eyes "we didn't even do anything last night for you to be tired over." She said. I started easing my hand under the shirt she had on "well let's do something now to get us tired." 
         She smacked my hand off "no I'm about to go to church and I want you to go with me sinner" she said smiling. "You a sinna too the way you be beggin fa meh. With yo freaky ass." I said side eyeing her.
"How I be begging for you? Yeah right nigga!" She said rolling her eyes and smiling. "Don't lie ta yaself baybeh you can't go a day without this" I said grabbing myself.
"I bet I could last longer than you." She said. "Bet" I said confident. "You forget I went 25 years without sex boo boo" she said smugly. "Yeah that was real easy ta do, but now ya ass done had a taste it ain't gone be so easy now boo boo" I said copying her.
"We'll see won't we. Loser has to do whatever the winner wants for a week." She said sticking her hand out. I quickly shook it "I can't wait to make a slave out of ya" I said winking and getting up to take a shower.

At Church
We got to church and we were looking around for a seat when I spotted Arian's mama waving us over to they pew with her family. "Baybeh there's two seats next ta ya peoples" I said about to walk that way "no we're not sitting with them I'm still not talking to my dad."
"If yhu don't bring yo a-" I cut myself off "you gone make me cuss in church, come on" I said leading her towards her family pew. Once we got there she walked past her dad and hugged her mom and then hugged all her brothers before sitting down next to Blake.
I man hugged her dad and hugged her mama while giving her a kiss on the cheek her dad said " watch them lips son" I just laughed then dapped up Arian's brothers before sitting next to her.
Arian's POV
I sat there and watched the exchange between my parents and August. Once he sat down I said "when did you get cool with my dad?" He kept sitting there like he didn't hear me.
"So you ignoring me now?" I said smacking his arm. He looked down at his arm then looked at me "you betta act like you got some sense in this church, don't make me show out" he then turned his attention to the choir as they started singing their first song.
After being chastised like a kid I turned and enjoyed the church service. I was actually shocked. August stood and clapped along with the choir and knew all the songs they were singing. It was nice.
Most men (like my brother Blake who I had to keep elbowing) are falling asleep through service, but he was actively taking notes and following along I really enjoyed having him there with me.
I seen my mama lean forward and get my attention she mouthed "wake that fool up" pointing at my brother. I looked to my left and noticed that Blake had once again fallen asleep. I mean he had his head thrown back, mouth open and everything.
I pulled back and elbowed him as hard as I could without being noticeable. He jumped up with his arms up and said "amen pastor! preach!" Me and all my brothers started laughing with our head down.
August just looked at us and shook his head smiling. My mama looked mad. My daddy looked like he wanted to laugh too. I pulled my brother back down and said "really nigga" in his ear.
He rolled his eyes tiredly "man this service lasting too long. I'm bout to join me a white church so I can be out by 11" he said as he slumped in the pew.
           After church my dad wanted all of us to go out to eat together. August agreed before I could say we didn't want to. We got into his car following my family to the restaurant and I turned to him "so when did you get all cool with my dad. I didn't want to go out to eat with him"
             He was quiet for a few minutes then he spoke "I got cool wit ya dad when I fell in love with you. You're daddy's lil princess and I don't want to ruin your relationship wit ya pops. I already know I want to spend the rest of my life wit yhu and I'm not so selfish that I'd make yhu decide between him or me, cause I know who you would pick."
              He stopped at the red light and looked at me "your pops ain't no bad dude for wanting what's best fa yhu. It's my job as ya man ta convince him that I'm what's best fa yhu. When we have kids I'd love to have a lil version of yhu runnin round. And when some dusty ass lil boy come trying to be in her life I'd hope he'd give me the same respect."
              I smiled at his words before saying "aaw you want to spend the rest of your life with me? You want me to be your baby mama" I said poking him in the cheek. We were pulling up to the restaurant when I said seriously "thank you." "Fa what shawty?"
               I shrugged and said "just being you. You gotta stop being so perfect boo bear, because you're making it really hard for me to keep my panties on" he looked at me with smirk as he helped me out the car.
            "I'm shocked you got any on sinner. And I know yhu just itching ta get out of em fa me lata huh?" He said seductively in my ear. "Nice try don't be trying to use your bedroom voice on me. You aren't getting any of this unless you fold first." I said as we walked inside.
After dinner
Arian's POV
                 We had a really great dinner with my family, and me and August were walking out of the restaurant heading towards the car when my dad stopped me. "Arian sweetheart can I speak with you for a second?" August looked at me and nodded his head "I'll be in the car." He gave my dad a man hug and walked away.
                  We just stood there for a second before my dad said "look baby girl I'm sorry. I was wrong to let your brothers speak to August that way. The whole night was wrong, and I don't want you staying away from the family because you're upset with me." I got teary eyed and looked up at him "I'm not mad at you daddy. I just always need your approval, and it hurt me that you didn't even give him a chance. You didn't even take the time to see how happy I am."
                     He pulled me into a hug and said "I'm so sorry sweetheart. I like August. He seems like a nice young man. I'm not gonna stand here and lie and pretend like I was excited for my baby girl to show up to family dinner with passion marks on her body cause I wasn't." My face heated and turned red "daddy" I groaned and hid my face in his chest. I felt like a teenager all over again.
                  He cut me off and said "but you're an adult, and that's nobody's business but you and August's. I've got to respect the fact that your not my little girl anymore. You're a grown adult woman. And I just want you to know that I want to see you at family dinners again, and August is welcome in my home anytime. Drama free." I nodded my head and said "thank you daddy. I love you." He smiled and kissed me on the forehead and said "I love you too."
                     We parted ways shortly after. I got into the car and August said "you straight? Everything good now?" I nodded my head and we headed home.
Later that night
               "Baaaabbbyyyy don't goooo!" Arian whined. "I got ta" August said back to her. "Whyyyy?" "Because I got some paperwork to get done, and I gotta finish preparing my bids for some other projects I want. Now stop all that whining I'll come by and take you to lunch tomorrow on ya break."
She rolled her eyes and he thumped her on the nose "quit rolling them big ass eyes fa they get stuck like that. Kiss me so I can go."
August said.
            "No."Arian said rubbing her nose. "Yhu betta give ya man a kiss" August said looking down at her. "Fine leave me then, all alone in this house, you suck." She said dramatically.
"See na yhu being extra" August said getting up to go. "I love yhu baybeh come lock the doe." He said on the way out. "I love you too boo bear." Arian said back "and you better take me somewhere really good for lunch tomorrow too." He smiled as he kissed me then walked to his car and drove off.
            Both of them had been so wrapped up in each other that they hadn't noticed the all black car sitting down the street. "Has he left yet?" "Yeah he just pulling off" said the deep voice. "Good now all I want you to do is scare her a bit you got that?" "Yeah I got it"he said before hanging up.

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