Chapter 9: 6 Months Later

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Since the storm incident with August. He and Arian had basically become inseparable. He'd spend weekends at her house and she at his. Tonight they have a movie date, but Arian has her usual Friday night family dinner to attend first.

Family Dinner
Arian's POV
      We were sitting around the table laughing and talking and enjoying each other when my mama spoke up and said, "where is Nina tonight? She hasn't been to the family meals in a month." I felt Michael stiffen next to me at the mention of her name before my brother Jackson piped in "she must have gotten tired of chasing that no good nigga right there" he said pointing at Mike and smiling. Michael gave him a death glare and said " watch it I didn't have her chasing after me, and why I gotta be a no good nigga. I ain't did shit to that girl." My dad's head flew up from his plate and he pointed his fork at Michael and said "watch yo mouth at this table" "sorry pops" "well, Arian what has she been up to" my mama was like a dog after a bone with this one. She just wouldn't let it go. I finally replied the truth "Well she's met a really nice man so she spends her fridays with him now mama." What I'd like to be doing right now I thought.
        I forgot that I was wearing my hair down for a reason that night and tucked my hair behind my ear "Arian what is that on your neck!" Orion yelled.
         Leave it to my twin to be extra observant, now everyone was staring at the big hickey I had received from August. "It's nothing I said covering it back up, a cat scratched me today and it left a mark" I said coming up with a lie as quickly as I could.
         I watched as my second oldest brother Blake got out of his chair and came around to mine. He was always the more aggressive of my brothers. He knelt down next to my chair and tilted my head to the side and began studying my neck. Everyone was waiting with baited breath, I felt like I was a kid all over again. He went back to his seat sat down and said "that's a damn hickey, and all I want to hear out of your mouth is the name of the nigga whose ass I'm about to beat!"
I looked at my parents waiting for them to intervene on this foolishness. My daddy piped in a few minutes later and said "well who is this nigga Arian? How long have you been seeing him?" "Mama!" I screamed looking at her for assistance. "Well I'd like to know who he is too Arian. Judging by the mark on your neck it's obviously become serious" she said.
I took a deep breath "I'm an adult, not a child and I'm not ready to expose him to all of you, and I've been seeing him for 6 months!" "Expose him" Orion said speaking again with a look of disgust on his face "you say that like we a bunch of disease infested animals instead of upstanding citizens of this community!" "Forget all that you been seeing this nigga for 6 months and we haven't met him yet!" Screamed Jackson.
I scoffed " upstanding? The five of you are ridiculous! Didn't you just threaten to beat a complete strangers ass?! that's why I don't want y'all to meet him, because y'all don't know how to act!"
For the first time Michael  broke his silence and said "apparently he's the one who don't know how to act. Leaving hickeys and shit on your neck! It look like this nigga is pawing all over you." My brother Gabe piped in and said, with his finger pointed at me, what was obviously on everyone else's mind to say "all I know is y'all betta not be fucking!"
My eyes got big as saucers and I screamed "We're not!" We had done some other things, but we weren't rushing sex. It seemed like after I said that everyone at the table breathed a sigh of relief. " Good now I don't have to break EVERY bone in his body." My brother Michael said.
"Can we just change the subject please?" I said with my head down "no we can not you've been dating this man for 6 months!" my mama piped in "I want to meet this young man bring him to family dinner next Friday." She said with finality.
I knew there was no point arguing. I also knew that every last one of my brothers would be there, and they'd come on time for once. "Yes ma'am" what started out as such a great meal was suddenly turning my stomach.
It's not that I didn't want them to meet August. I mean he's perfect. I don't want him to meet them. I just wanted to enjoy him a little while longer to myself without my family breathing down my neck. If it weren't for this stupid hickey I'd still be doing that. I'd told August to lay off, but he said he loved seeing his mark on me. So who was I to argue.
After dinner I was making my way to my car when Michael stopped me " hey why isn't Nina returning my calls is she mad at me?" I shrugged and said "Not that I know of I think she's just really enjoying this new guy." "So she can't answer the phone for a friend because of some lame ass nigga?!" I put my hand up to stop him from spazzing "Look this isn't a discussion you and I need to be having. This is something you should talk to her about. And to be honest Nina has never looked at you as a friend so stop acting stupid. You're way too smart for that. Now if you'll excuse me I have to go."
"Where you going in hurry this late?" He asked "none of your damn business nosey." I jumped in my truck and sped up the road.

August POV
I was sitting around the house with Drizzy, Loki, and Envy watching tv waiting for Arian to get here. She had dropped off her dogs earlier along with an overnight bag because she was staying at my place this weekend. I heard my front door open and knew it must be her. "Hey baybeh!" I yelled through the house.
She walked into the room and climbed into my lap and said "Hi" She laid her head on my shoulder and I kissed her forehead and looked at her for a second and said "wazzam, what's wrong wit my lady?" "My family wants to meet you." "Oookaaayy? So what's wrong?" "Didn't you just hear what I said! My family wants to meet you, that includes all 5 of my dumbass over protective brothers. And it's all your fault!" She said punching me. "Ouch! What I tell you bout putting yo hands on me?" I said with a frown. "And how is this my fault!" She pulled her hair back and showed the big ass hickey I had placed there the day before that was still bright red. "Oh my bad" "oH My BaD" she said mimicking me.
            I laughed at her "it's not funny!" She said whining "shut all that whining up you know I don't like that" She rolled her eyes "roll'em again" I said sternly.
She put her head on my shoulder and I could tell she was really worried about me meeting her family "baybeh why you so worried about me meeting your people? You don't think they gonna like me?" I said trying not to show how afraid I was of that possibility. I don't know what that would mean for our relationship, because I know how close she is with her family. I don't know what I'd do if she left me because of that.
          She pulled me out of my thoughts when she screamed dramatically "Oh my goodness of course they're not gonna like you. Your a man who has the ability to have sex with me, so no, they are not going to like you. I've already been warned that we better not be fuckin." " watch yo mouth" "sorry"
I turned her face so she could look me in my eyes and said "baybeh I'm not scared to meet yo people, and you shouldn't be either and furthermore it ain't nobody's business but ours if I'm hitting that or not. You don't gotta answer to them as long we happy with what we got goin then that's all that matters. Do I make you happy?" She smiled at me and said "extremely happy" I replied with "same hea" and then I kissed her.
I picked her up and carried her upstairs "where are we going?" "to bed" I told her. "Well what about the movie?" "Fuck that movie. You need to relieve some stress and I got just what you need shawty." She started kissing on my neck and said "well hurry up daddy." I just smiled at her and kept walking.

Author's note: don't forget to vote and comment! And don't judge me for my photoshopped hickey 😂

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