Chapter 27: Finished Business

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   August POV
           I was still knocked out cuddled up with Arian when I felt a presence so strong behind me it woke me out my sleep. It was pitch black in the bedroom, so I quietly eased my arm from around Arian and reached for my gun. I eased it up to his crotch area and said "make one move nigga and I'ma blow yo shit off"
             The light flicked on real quick "nigga chill the fuck out its me!" Sneak said "what the fuck you doing in my room standing over me while I'm sleep!" I looked back at Arian to make sure her body was still covered up cause we were both still naked.  "Man I came in here to get yo ass so we could roll out. We got them niggas at the spot waiting."
           "Aight bet I'll be down in a minute I gotta get dressed." I said as Sneak was making his way towards the door "oh and next time I'm just gone shoot yo ass"
            I turned back over on the bed and pulled Arian's body close to me and started kissing on her neck " baybeh wake up" she moved around a little before falling back to sleep. So I decided to ease my hand down towards her feminine folds and started teasing her. I dipped a finger into her and then started playing with her clit.
Arian POV
             I started to feel pleasure in my sleep "hmmm baby what are you doing?" I said as I turned over onto my back. "Trying to wake you up." He said as he continued to play with me.

      After I came a short while later he lifted his fingers to his mouth and licked them clean. He started getting out of bed and I said "where you going?" He turned and looked at me and said "to take a shower and get dressed. I got some business to handle with Sneak and nem" I side eyed him and said "I want to go." His simple reply before walking into the bathroom was "No" and with that he climbed into the shower like the discussion was over.
          I texted Nina and told her to come over. And she said she was on her way. So I got up and wrapped my cast in plastic and went and got into the shower with him. I wrapped my arms around him from behind and just to be messy I started humping his booty. "Stop that gay shit Arian before I put you out." He said looking down at me.
         I smiled and said "I'm just trying to hit it from the back baby" "chill, matter fact stand in front of me cause you don't know how to act." He said moving around so I was in front. We quietly started washing each other lost in our own thoughts when I said "Nina's on her way over here." "That's cool y'all just don't leave the house this time." He said looking down at me with an eyebrow raised. I smiled "I'm not playing Arian." I huffed out a breath "ok dang I'm not gonna leave the house" I said while rolling my eyes. "Give me a kiss" he said leaning down to me. I kissed him and we got out to get ready.
I walked downstairs with August right behind me holding onto my shirt and sweatpants making sure I didn't fall, when I seen T letting Nina in. "Hey girl" "hey" I said August looked between the two of us "Nina she not to leave this house today understood." "Nigga you her daddy not mine." "You need to quit giving my nigga Michael a hard time so he can get rid of that nasty ass attitude you got" he said back to her. She rolled her eyes "Michael can kiss my redbone ass! Arian why you got me over here this late? It's almost 2 in the morning!"
"I just wanted to hang with my bestie" she said sweetly. "Uh huh yo nigga bout to lose his ability have kids he keep messing with me!" "August leave her alone! You know Michael is a sore subject." "I don't know why, she know that nigga love her."
Nina turned and looked August dead in the eye and said "would you treat Arian the way he treats me? Throwing others bitches in my face? Ignoring my feelings? And I know for a fact that Arian got ya nose wide open."
August looked at her and said "honestly no." Nina through her hands up like see, "but, I also didn't grow up with Arian, you have an important role within they family. You not just some chick he could try a relationship with and if it don't work move on. You family, so he might be scared to risk that part of your relationship as well.
It's a lot that goes into being with you Nina and maybe he's scared he'll lose all the fun parts. I mean has the man ever had a successful relationship? Think about it." He said patting her shoulder. He leaned down and kissed me and then stared me in the eye and said "stay in this house. I love you." "I will where am I going this late? I love you too."
After August walked out the door I waited about 5 minutes for him to get up the street and then I turned to Nina and said "ok let's go!" "Girl didn't August tell yo ass not to leave this house?!" "Yeah and?" I said back "you scared of August now?" "Hell yeah I'm scared of that nigga!" She said getting up. "I want to follow him I want to see what they're up to. Pleassseeee Nina it'll be like a stakeout." "Girl this ain't no damn movie!" I stared at her for a little while with a sad face "fine! Let's go" I clapped and said "yay!"
We rushed out to the car and headed in the direction that the guys had just went in. "That's the truck right there! Slow down don't get too close." I said to Nina. We followed them all the way to some warehouse district that looked abandoned "what the hell are they doing here Arian?" "I don't know? But we about to find out." I eased out of the truck and got my crutches and started walking towards the warehouse, but not before texting my brothers to meet me at this address asap.
August POV
We walked into the warehouse and I seen a group of Sneak's men sitting and standing around waiting for us to get there. We walked up to the two niggas that was chained up "wassup Richie." I said smirking "what you crying fa?" This nigga was up in here crying like a bitch "please August don't let these men kill me please I'm so sorry I never meant this to happen." He said begging for his life.
"Sshhh it's aight I'm not gonna let nobody do nothing to you." He sighed in relief "cause I want to be the one kill you nigga!" I said. I walked over to the other fool "now you, you I'ma make suffa cause you put ya bitch ass hands on someone very special to me.
You touched what's mine and I don't like it when other niggas touch my shit!" I said punching him in his face. "I dare ya ass to act like that shit hurt bitch! Especially after the way you beat the fuck out my girl."
"Aye Aug!" I turned quickly "what nigga damn?!" "We got some company!" I turned fully around to see Arian and Nina walking through the crowd of men. "Arian what the fuck you doing hea?!" I said while wiping blood off my hands. She ignored my question and said "so this is the business you had to handle?" She was staring the guy down that had broken into her home.
I walked up to her "baybeh you ain't supposed to be hea. Blake take ya sister back to my house." "Hell no I want to stay! Blake don't touch me!" She said pulling away from him he put his hands up in surrender. They had this girl too spoiled and I didn't help at all.
She walked up to Richard and said "what did you do? Why do they have you like this?" "Oooh god Anna please I'm so sorry!" He was sobbing at this point. She raised her hand and slapped fire out of his face "shut the fuck up! Now answer my questions." She said calmly. A hush fell over the room nobody was expecting her to do that.
"I hired him t t t to break into your home and scare you, but that was it, it was just supposed to be to scare you back into my arms. I didn't want him to abuse you! I swear it. Please Anna my parents would be devastated if I died. Please don't let him kill me. I promise I'll leave you alone."
She stared at him and then said in flat voice "did you think about my parents or my family when you had that man come into my house. You didn't know him, you didn't know what he was capable of, he could have raped me! He could have killed me! Hell he almost did kill me!!"
"And I should have too you bitch!" He yelled and I jumped up from where I was sitting but Arian threw up a hand so I sat back down "yeah sit down nigga like good lil boy do what yo bitch say!" Arian walked over and punched him dead in this nose "fuuuck! You broke my fucking nose!"
"Am I still a bitch!" He turned cold eyes to her and spit blood in her direction this time it was Blake to move first. But I put my arm out to stop him. My baybeh needed to get her revenge first, then we could have our turn.
Arian grabbed him by his nose and squeezed it as hard as she could. He started screaming "I said am I still a bitch?!" She said calmly "no no no you not a bitch you a lady!"
She turned and smiled at me "nah I think I'm daddy" I fell out laughing "ok ok please you daddy! I'm sorry just let goo!" He screamed. Everybody that was there started laughing and somebody screamed "that nigga a bitch she got him calling her daddy!"
Arian slowly removed her hand from his face and then just cause she petty she punched him again. In the exact same spot. "Aaaaah!" He screamed in agony as she walked back over to Richard. "I'm not gonna let August kill you, but I am gonna make sure you end up in the hospital with far worse injuries than I had. As a matter of fact" she looking down at her phone "I have a few men coming in right now who still have a bone to pick with you."
She turned and the rest of her brothers came strolling in with Michael leading the way. I stood up when Arian walked towards me and kissed her soundly on the lips before placing her in the chair I had previously occupied.
"Enjoy the show baybeh" I said winking at her. I looked down at all her brothers feet and noticed they all had on timbs. My boy Richie was about to get stomped the hell out. I thought shaking my head.

Author's note
Finally reached 1k reads! 😁

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