Chapter 20: The Break In Part 2

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Arian POV
"See if you were still here you could be soaking with me" Arian said over a FaceTime call to August.
"That does sound nice right about now. It feel weird laying hea without you all cuddled up under me."
"All you have to do is get in your car and come ba-." Arian jumped when she heard a crash downstairs.
August sat up in his bed "baybeh what was that loud ass noise?"
"I don't know, I'm scared August" I said my voice getting shaky. I heard Loki and Envy growling. It wasn't a friendly sound I knew someone was in my house. I rushed out the tub.
"August somebody is in the house." I whispered and I struggled into my clothes as quickly as I could.
"Calm down baybeh stay on the phone with me and hide I'll be there in a minute." He said getting into his car. He had already been rushing around getting out the door the moment he heard the noise.
I heard a series of yelps and then silence. I heard footsteps coming up the stairs and knew whoever it was was looking around.
My heart was racing. "Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god" I whispered to myself. Tears were streaming down my face.
I heard him come into my room and knew he was going to find me. I put my hand over my mouth to cover up how heavy I was breathing.
       All of a sudden I felt a sharp pain from my hair being pulled. I felt myself being dragged out from under my bed.
I screamed and immediately went into fight instinct. "You stupid crazy bitch! You scratched my face!" He yelled at me before punching me in the face. I felt dazed and faint and fell to the ground. I tried to get back up but he kicked me repeatedly "I was just gone scare yo dumbass, but now I'm gone do what I want!"
He then began to pummel my body with blow after blow. I could feel myself going in and out of consciousness. It felt like this went on for hours, but I'm sure it was only minutes.
I heard the sound of a dog bark and I heard him scream out in pain. He then jumped out the second story window of my bedroom into the bush underneath. I heard a gun shot outside which made me jump from shock. I turned and looked into those human like eyes.
"Driz-" was all I could say before I heard August scream "Arian!" and then I passed out. After that moment I don't know what happened.
August POV
            I broke every traffic law ever created on my way to Arian's. All I knew was that I needed to get there. Drizzy had jumped into the car when I ran out and wouldn't let me leave him, now it was like he could sense my worry because he was whining in the passenger seat.
               We finally pulled up to Arian's and I jumped out I didn't even bother to shut the door. Drizzy ran ahead of me into the open front door at full speed.
                I heard a manly scream come from upstairs and seen someone jump out the window. I cocked my gun and ran towards the bush, he saw me coming and ran towards his car I shot at him and hit him in the leg.
             He jumped into his car and sped up the street but not before I made a mental note of his license plate number. I'd keep that for later. I ran into the house and up the stairs and seen Arian laying on the floor. "Arian!" I screamed.
            Shortly after she passed out. I called 911 and gave them a full account of what happened. When I found the nigga that did this he was dead. When the paramedics and the police got there they carefully placed her on a gurney and rushed her to the hospital I was right behind them. I called her parents on the way there.
              All I kept thinking to myself was that I should have never left her. She had begged me to stay and I left her anyway. This was all my fault.

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