Chapter 4: Open Mind

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Michael in mm

Arian POV
Yes. I'm childish. No. I shouldn't have stormed out, but I don't want to be around August anymore than I have to be. I really don't want him in my space, in my home. I know he's doing this on purpose, and I know Nina is playing matchmaker. I started counting to ten. I refuse to put myself out there and be hurt again. "His ass probably likes men too" I said out loud to myself.
Nina POV
" You ok girl?" I asked as I walked into Arian's office. " I'm fine Nina, you know what no I'm not fine. Why did you do that?!"
"Why did I do that?!" I yelled back at Arian. She screamed back in return "Yes!"
My eyes got watery mostly because I hated arguments, partly because I could see the sadness in her eyes. " because I want my fun, happy, best friend back. Not this sad, depressed, and angry woman who's nothing more than a shell of her former self."
              I took a deep breath to calm my nerves and said, "I get it ok "he who shall remain nameless" was a jackass, and a liar. He should have come clean long before your wedding day. Let's be honest with ourselves here. You didn't love him he was just easy, there was no passion with him. Hell the man never even made your eyes light up , you didn't talk about him like he was some great love. You talked about him like he was a friend. I just want you to be happy okay? Just try to open yourself up to new things and new possibilities...for me." I said after a few minutes of us staring at each other.
    "I'll think about it. No promises." She said while staring down at her buzzing phone. The sad look that was on her face almost instantly disappeared "Give me a second Nae." She said while answering. My face broke out into a huge smile " Is that my future baby daddy on the phone!"
She laughed and rolled her eyes and responded to the caller on the phone " hey ugly what you want?"
Arian POV
"Dead that you know I'm flawless girl. Is that Nina screaming in the back. She want me to give her a baby so bad." He said laughing
" Flawless? You're soooo full of yourself pretty boy. We both know I'm the best looking one in the family. I stole all the cutes." We went through this every time we got on the phone with each other. I loved my big brother. He always knew exactly what I needed when I needed it. " and yeah that's your future baby mama in the background." I said while cracking up.
" while you and her playing I  might expose her to this real." I could hear the smirk in his voice.
"Eeeeerrrrrr I'm stopping this convo right now. I don't want to know about you exposing none of what you got to my bestie. So why are you calling me? Just to hear my beautiful voice?"
"Nah I was seeing if you were coming to family dinner tonight, and I was also giving you a heads up that mama's on a rampage soooo your ass better be there otherwise you'll get a house visit. You know what she does when she gives house visits." I started laughing " actually, no, I don't, but you most certainly do!" I said referring to the time that he skipped a Friday night family dinner to spend it with a female, the next morning my mama was using the key he had hidden in a rock outside his house, and was letting herself in only to find her  oldest boy booty butt naked with an equally naked and extremely ratchet woman. My brother always has loved his women ratchet. She then proceeded to sit them down and give them a bible study lesson on promiscuity and fornication. And to make matters worse she didn't leave my brothers house for a week and that's only because my dad came and forced her out and told her to stay herself at home and leave grown folks alone.
"Man that was the worse experience of my life! I'll be at every Friday night dinner from here on out." I fell out laughing.
"yea I'll be there Mike. I mean honestly where the hell else am I gonna be. It's not like I have a life. Any idea why she's in one of her moods." I asked.
" does she need a reason to be in a mood, you know ya mama dramatic!"
" you say that like she's not your mama too."
I heard someone scream in the background, and then a loud crash, as Michael immediately went into a fit of curse words " Didn't I tell yo dumbass not to do that! Hey sis I gotta go." He said with frustration.
" Ok bye I love you see you tonight."
" Aight I love you too ugly. And tell my baby mama to be at dinner too." He said quickly before hanging up. My brother owned his own successful construction company, and judging by the noise I heard he was about to have a hell of a bad day.

               "Michael wants you at dinner tonight." I said looking at Nina who was now sitting across from me. " I don't know why y'all are playing with each other."
" If he wants me at dinner I'll be at dinner, and I'm not the one playing. I already know I want yo fine ass brother. He's the one that's playing games. It was love at first sight." She said all dreamy eyed.
"So it was love at first sight when he walked up and punched that kid in the face for stealing your chips from you when we were kids? Yeah that's real love Nae." I said rolling my eyes laughing.
"Hell yeah! He knows I like a man who's willing to fight for me. He Tarzan me Jane rawr!" She said while squatting down like a cat.
" You really need Jesus huh? Did your mama drop you when you were a baby?"
"Not that I'm aware of." She said getting up to go check the kennels to make sure everyone was doing what they should be doing.
After she left I couldn't get my mind off August.  I was wondering what his end game was. Why me? I had decided to keep an open mind about it. The next time I saw him he was going to be in for a surprise.

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