Chapter 6: Monday Morning ?

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Arian POV
      I woke up bright and early and went for my morning run with my dogs Envy and Loki, both were German shepherds one white and one black.  We got back in, and I gave them water and fed them, and then hit the showers to get my work day started. It was going to be a rather short day today because I was just going in to check on the kennels, and then transporting August's dog Drizzy back to my home.

"Good morning." I said as I walked into the clinic. Everyone replied with " good morning" I made my way back to my office to put my things away and get my day going. Nina walked in shortly after "hey girl how was the rest of your weekend?"
Nina looked at me and rolled her eyes "not good, for some reason your brother decided to pop up at my house on Saturday night drunk acting a fool." I looked at her startled "what the hell for?" " I don't know girl he showed his whole ass, so I took him home and dropped him off. He may or may not be bruised today." "What did you do to my brother?" "Nothing he didn't deserve for the way he spoke to me." She then went on to tell me how he was ranting and raving and it ended in her slapping the shit out of him.

           About an hour later after making rounds I went to check on Drizzy. He was looking much better this morning, but I could still tell he was weak from surgery. I began preparing all the things I'd need for his at home care when I noticed he was staring at me. He had the strangest eyes almost human like. I felt like he was staring straight into my soul. 
        After preparing everything I needed I had some of my guys to load him into my truck so I could take him home. We arrived about 30-45 minutes later and they helped me to get him into the house and settled, he came right in and laid down.
        I spent the whole day just relaxing around the house and doing some necessary paperwork in between giving Drizzy his medicine and making sure he was ok. It was around 8 that night when I heard my doorbell ring. I wasn't expecting company so it was surprising I was receiving any this late at night.
       Drizzy raised his head and barked once and began slightly wagging his tail. "Well your not much of guard dog are you" I said petting his head as I walked by.

August POV
             I had waited all I could. I didn't want to seem too eaga, so I waited until late tonight. I made it up to her front door, she lived in a nice house,very secluded, I could barely see her neighbor. I never seen so much grass in my life. I rung her doorbell and waited.
              She opened the door a few moments later looking beautiful as ever with no makeup on, a messy bun, a tank and some short ass shorts. She must have been waiting on a nigga. I thought in my mind.                            
             "Hi what are you doing here?" She said while standing in the doorway. She wasn't making a move to invite me in so I said "I decided to stop by to see how Drizzy was doing I knew he was comin hea today." "Oh ok I see" we stood there awkwardly in the doorway before I said "may I come in?" She looked at me suspiciously before nodding and stepping aside. She started walking and talking "well he's doing great he's been laying right up under me all day ." She said as I followed her through her house. "Lucky ass nigga" I said under my breath. She looked over her shoulder and said "did you say something?" I quickly shook my head.
            She had good taste I noticed that it was decorated in deep purples and oranges with African art everywhere. I looked down as she walked in front of me and noticed how her ass was bouncin in them lil shorts. I don't think shawty had panties on. My kind of woman.
              " Here he is." She said plopping down on her couch ending the view for me. Sure enough as soon she sat down Driz splayed himself across her lap. I had never seen my dog act like that especially with a female. He usually hated any woman I had around. I found myself jealous of my own dog in that moment.
         I sat next to her and started petting his head he looked up at me and barked. I just smiled at him. I could tell she was slightly nervous about me being so close to her cause she started breathing heavy. I turned and started staring at her she started shifting uncomfortably "what?" She said. " nothing you're just gorgeous love" she rolled eyes and laughed before saying "thank you, you're not so bad yourself." She put her head down cause she started blushing. I thought that shit was cute. She looked back up at me and started staring at my lips next thing I know shawty all over me.

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