Chapter 8: A Storm is Coming

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Arian POV
By the time I got home from work I was so exhausted that all I could do was crawl into bed and take the longest nap of my life. I was awakened about two hours later to my phone ringing. I picked it up and noticed that it was August trying to FaceTime me.
Ari: Hello I said groggily looking into the screen.
Aug: Wazzam? Were you sleep? He said laughing a little.
Ari: I passed out as soon as I got home. I'm not even sure how my car got me here, that's how tired I was.
Aug: well I aim to please. He said with a smirk.
Ari: oooh and you're just sooo sure I'm exhausted because of you right. I might have had a really long day at work. Mr.Conceited.
Aug: Please after the way I had you squirming on that desk? Sweetheart there ain't no other possible explanation for you being THAT tired. Yo lul ass look like you could have slept the rest of the night.
Ari: what time is it?
Aug: it's 8:36. Why? You got somewhea ta be?
Ari: oh ok no I'm hungry I just wanted to know how late it was to see if I should cook me something or not.
Aug: you haven't ate?
Ari: no. Why? Are you offering to feed me? I said as my eyes lit up at the thought of food.
Aug: yeah I am. What you want?
Ari: mmm Chinese sounds good.
Aug: ok I'm on my way. He said smiling and getting up from what appeared to be a couch. He had no shirt on and I was def enjoying the view. He looked back at the screen and noticed me staring and started smiling and said you enjoying that view?
Ari: I rolled my eyes and replied, I'm not about to hype you!
Aug: you ain't gotta hype me shawty, them hungry eyes you was just giving me was hype enough. I know I'm fine as hell. He said as he climbed into his truck starting it.
Ari: I was thinking about eating that's why I was looking like that. So hurry up I'm starving.
Aug: yeah look like you gotta taste for Aug though and not that Chinese.
Ari: whatever. I said laughing bring your ass on I'm hungry.
Aug: he laughed and said ok.
We talked for a few more minutes then we hung up.
            I got out the bed and made my way to the shower, after washing my day off I felt more relaxed. I put on my usual lounge clothes (shorts, and tank) and made my way downstairs.
            I noticed that it was really windy. There had been talk of a storm moving through in the forecast. I loved storms I got the best sleep when it was raining outside. I just hoped August got here before it started to get bad out.

August POV
I had just picked up the food so now I was making my way to Arian's house. I could tell it was about to storm which made my palms start to get sweaty. I shook the nervous feeling off and got to her house in record time.
     I pulled into the driveway grabbed everything and hopped out. Making my way to the front door I rung the doorbell, as soon as she appeared, looking beautiful as ever, my nerves calmed instantly. "Hi you finally got here" she pulled me into the house and then looked down at all the food bags and said "what did you do? Buy groceries?" "Well you didn't tell me what you liked so I figured I'd just create a buffet." She looked at me like she had found God in a man and said "Oh my goodness you're perfect." I laughed at her as I walked all the food to the kitchen she immediately started pulling down plates for us and started putting food on them.
     We made our way to the living room after piggin out, and laid on the couch cuddled up. I was barely focused on what was on the tv because of the way the wind was beating against the house outside. "Baybeh?" I said to get her attention "hmm" she said looking up at me "you mind if I light up?" I said holding up a blunt she raised up and said "no go ahead, I'll clean up the kitchen while you do that." "Aight"
Arian POV
      Something was definitely off about Aug tonight. He seemed distracted and nervous for some reason. I couldn't put my finger on what was causing it though. I looked over at Drizzy slow walking his way into the kitchen and smiled, he was doing a lot better but he had a while before those stitches came out. He went into the living room and sprawled out on the floor next to Loki and Envy after getting head rubs from me.
     After I was done with the kitchen I walked back into the living area and seen August looking more relaxed. I was glad. I walked up and sat in his lap and said "you feel better?" He smiled lazily and said "yeah shawty I feel better" right after he said that it sounded like the clouds opened up and it started pouring rain and began to lightening and thunder outside.
     I noticed that August held me tighter every time it would make a loud noise outside. I also remembered him saying something about Drizzy being afraid of storms. I looked down at the floor and all three dogs were knocked out sleep. "August I thought Drizzy was afraid of storms"  I said "he is he must just be real comfortable hea" he said nervously " uh hm" I said looking at him. I decided to not beat around the bush "August are you afraid of storms? If you are it's ok you can stay here tonight" "nah shawty I ain't scared of storms I'm straight why you ask that?" "You just seem really anxious and nervous." "I just got a lot on my mind"
      I knew he was lying cause he wouldn't look me in the eyes I got up and turned off the tv and said "ok boys bedtime" the dogs all started dragging themselves up the stairs towards my room I turned and looked at August still sitting on my couch "Are you gonna be ok to get home?"  The look he gave me made him look like a little kid who was scared and couldn't find their mommy.
I grabbed his hand and pulled him upstairs with me. He was so zoned out that I had to undress him and put him in bed.
  When I climbed in after him and turned the light off he immediately climbed between my legs and laid his head on my chest and wrapped his arms around me. I held him tightly and tangled our legs together. I felt something wet on the front of my shirt and whispered "August" he replied after using his shoulder to wipe his face "I ain't no crybaybeh ass nigga" "I know" I said "maybe it would help if you talked about it".

August POV
     I don't know why I started crying. I guess it had been a long time since someone just held me. I felt like she really cared. When I thought she was putting me out in that storm I panicked. It bought back so many memories for me.
"I had a older brother named Mel" I started after a while "he was more than just my brother though he was my best friend, he was a father figure. My mama had this nigga living with us and he couldn't stand Mel cause he would always tell him about hisself. So he went to my mama and convinced him that she needed to get him out the house. He said it was him or her son. She chose that nigga. About two weeks later I get a call saying that my brother had been killed. He was living on the streets and some niggas had jumped him and beat him to death." By this point the tears were flowing freely. It was comforting to have Arian wrapped around me though. I heard her sniffle every now and then. "I was devastated I felt like I didn't have nobody left that cared about me. Finally I snapped at his funeral and got to fighting with my mom's boyfriend and screamed it's yo fault my brutha dead! He just sat there smirking like the fucking devil he was. Told me I was next. Not even two weeks later I found myself being put out too. It was storming that night and I was soaked everything I owned was on my back and I was walking next to this ravine. I slipped in and hit my head. I just knew I was dead,  out of nowhere I felt myself being pulled out the water. I looked and there stood Drizzy." "He saved your life" she said on a whisper.
"yeah and I couldn't shake him after that no matter how hard I tried he wasn't leaving my side. He became my friend. My everything." I squeezed her tighter and laid there for a minute before continuing "when I was 18 I had just graduated from high school I had managed to keep my grades up and stay out of the system even though I was homeless. He ran onto this construction site right up to this older black man named Mr.Reynolds I ran after him and immediately began apologizing. We got to talking and he asked me if I wanted a job I said yeah. He saw how hard I was willing to work and he pulled me to the side and said he'd never been married and he didn't have any kids but if he did he'd want a son just like me. He said he wanted me to do great things so he paid my way through college. He became the father I had always dreamed about. He passed away last year and left his whole construction company and everything he owned to me. And the rest is history."
Arian POV
     I thought it was just gonna be one of those things that people are afraid of. He had a real life traumatic experience. He was never given the opportunity to properly grieve his brother, because he was too busy trying to survive in the same environment that had taken his life.
     At that moment I knew that I loved this man more than words. It scared me so bad that I just laid there quietly holding him until his breathing slowed and I knew he had cried and talked himself to sleep. I laid there thinking about the kind of mother who would put her children on the street for a no good man. I could never imagine Joyce Grey doing that to any of her 6 no matter how much she loved my father, and vice versa. I felt my eyes getting heavy and I finally fell asleep myself some time later.

Authors note: So that's August past. Arian admitted to being in love with him, but she's scared of what that means. Sorry for any grammatical errors you may find. I'm free writing this whole book. As the ideas come I write them down. I hope your enjoying what you're reading. Feedback is always welcome. Suggestions on how I could make the story better or just your thoughts on the book. ❤️

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