Chapter 31: Preparations

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3 weeks later
August POV
     "So what you got planned ta day?" I asked as I was getting ready to head out.
"I have an appointment with a wedding dress designer this morning so me, mom and Nina are doing that. And-" I cut her off "why you meeting with a designer? Don't you just go to the lil dress shop and pick a dress?"
       "Well yeah I could do that, but I want this time to be different" she said wrapping her arms around my neck "I want it to be special, so daddy flew in this Lebanese designer from Paris named Zuhair. You forget this isn't my first time walking down the aisle, so I wanted my dress to be custom. What I want isn't on the rack this time." She said to me.
          "I can undastand that. Tell him the groom's only request is to make sure the dress is rip away. That way a nigga don't gotta struggle lata trying to get  you out that shit. I'm just gonna rip you out that bitch like a warm up suit." I laughed while nodding my head "yeah that sound like the move, tell him Velcro that shit together!" She smirked at me before popping me in the back of the head "you real cute! Ain't nobody wearing no Velcro dress!"
         I sat on the side of the bed putting my shoes on. I was taking my precious time this morning. "What else you-" I stopped mid sentence when Arian came back out the bathroom in just lace La Perla lingerie and heels that I had bought her a while back. "You really fuckin wimme right now." I said putting my head in my hands.

             She looked up from what she was doing and said "what are you talking about babe?" I walked up on her "walking around in your heels and lingerie knowing I'm gone want it" she rolled her eyes "I'm wearing this because I missed wearing h...

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             She looked up from what she was doing and said "what are you talking about babe?" I walked up on her "walking around in your heels and lingerie knowing I'm gone want it" she rolled her eyes "I'm wearing this because I missed wearing heels while I had my cast on and I'm also going to be trying on some dresses for the reception. And you know I love nice lingerie." She moved out of my arms and turned to walk into the closet.
           "Is your ass getting fatter!!" I said while rubbing my eyes. She stuck her tongue out and started dancing "aaaye I got an ass so big like the sun!" Before continuing what she was doing. I smirked and said "and I got a mile for a dick! You wanna run?" She poked her head out the closet and said "you nasty" while smiling.
I walked into the closet behind her "baybeh let me just stick the tip in" I said easing my hand inside her panties. I felt her breathing start to pick up. "August you know we can't." She said in a whisper with her head on my shoulder "just for a second baybeh" I could feel her succumbing to what I was doing to her body, and just when I was about to move in for the kill, she snapped out of the spell I was trying to pull her under and pushed me back "stop!" She pulled my hand out of her panties and said "baby it's only been 3 weeks we can do this ok" she kissed me and pulled down a dress and walked out.
          I punched the air angrily. A nigga was frustrated and all I wanted was some pussy. "Babe what are you doing in there? You coming downstairs with me so we can eat breakfast together before you have to leave?" I pulled myself together "yeah I'm coming" I said walking out the closet.
Arian's POV
          "So we have a lot to get done over these next few months." I said "aight like what" he said smacking on a piece of turkey bacon "well we need to decide on some major things for the wedding like venue and we have a cake tasting, I had to schedule months in advance to even get a spot, and you need to find a tux and so do the rest of the guys."
              "Damn! I'm exhausted just hearing all this!" He said to me leaning back in his seat. "That's not even the half of it we also have marriage counseling cause the pastor won't marry us without us doing that" I continued "he gone force us into counseling?" "It's just standard procedure babe, it's to make sure we know what we're getting ourselves into and to make sure we're both on the same page. It's basically preparing us for what we're going to be facing, like helping us prepare for what we may face within our marriage and know how to handle certain situations and build from them." "I guess that sound cool" he said nodding his head.
"We need to pick a destination for our honeymoon so we can start making travel arrangements." "You leave the honeymoon to me aight I got that" he said smiling at me while licking his lips. He was such a horny boy these days I thought to myself, while shaking my head at him. I got up to clear our plates from the counter and rinse them before putting them in the dish washer.
I figured this was as good a time as any to broach the next topic of discussion. "We also need to find a house." I threw in quickly. His head popped up "what's wrong with my house?"
             "Well for starters it's your house, and I want us to find a place together, make a home that we'll grow in as a family." He looked around confused "soooo a five bedroom house ain't big enough to start a family in? How many kids you trying to have? I mean I'm all for shootin the club up and unloadin the clip on yo ass, but a nigga not tryin to staff a farm, so I think we got enough space up in hea!" He said slapping the table and laughing.
              I rolled my eyes and slammed the dishwasher closed and started wiping down the counter top "whatever August it doesn't matter we can just stay here I guess. You think everything is a fucking joke." I mumbled.
After a few minutes of me pouting I felt him walk up behind me "aye don't mumble say that shit witcha chest!" He said wrapping his arms around me. "I said we can just stay here!" I said still pouting "Lose the attitude it's uncalled for! We can go house hunting if you want, find us a realtor and let's start lookin  aight?" He said looking down at me "you don't really want to do that and I don't want to force you." I said back, looking up into his eyes.
              "It's not that. I just didn't know you didn't like my house." I said "I do like this house, but I want us to pick something together. My house definitely isn't an option for us I don't feel comfortable there anymore." "Aight get the realtor to set us up with some places to look at and we'll shop around." He said. I smiled up at him "you so fuckin spoiled man don't make no sense." I shrugged "it's your fault"
He kissed me and then said " aight I gotta get to work, and get these fools in line. They won't get shit done less I'm thea." "Ok boss man" I said smiling "have fun shopping and whatever else y'all gone be doing taday. I love you." "I love you too boo bear have a good day." I kissed him one last time before I let him go.
Later that day
          We were currently having a late lunch and discussing the dresses I had tried on earlier.
         "So how did you feel about the dress options that Zuhair brought for the reception?" My mother asked me. "I really liked them especially the one that was see through." I said. "Yesss I loved that one!" Nina said. "I think it will be a nice transition from my wedding gown as well since it's kind of similar in style, and where it lacks in the drama it makes it up with its wow factor" I said. Nina nodded her head "you don't think it's a little risqué?" My mom asked me
             "Well it's the party dress so I think it will be fine, it's not like I'm wearing it in the church." I said looking at her. "I guess you're right whatever you want. If that's the one you want then that's the one we'll get." I smiled at her "thank you mama" "you're welcome sweetheart."
                "So what's next on our to do list?" "Well since we basically have me out of the way as far as wardrobe goes we need to start focusing on bridesmaids dresses. I already have a dress in mind it's gorgeous!" I said excitedly. "Let me see, let me see!" Nina said scooting her chair near mine. I pulled up the picture "oh my goodness this is pretty."
            She sat back in her seat "I thought brides were supposed to pick dresses that were ugly as hell so they weren't out shined on their day." I laughed "yeah basic bitc-" "Arian watch it" my mama said side eyeing me "sorry, I meant basic females do that, besides I'm gonna look way too good on my wedding day to have y'all in some tacky dresses making my pictures look bad." I said rolling my eyes.
          "Alright ladies let's go we have a meeting with the wedding planner and then we can be done for the day. This meeting may take a while cause we have a lot to hash out so let's get going!" My mom said getting up clapping her hands before walking off.
         "Where does she get all her energy?" Nina said as we dragged behind her. "She gets off planning things especially weddings." I replied. "Yeah just wait til she gets to plan one of the fabulous fives wedding she's probably gonna be dancing in her sleep!" She said laughing. "Oh nooo you didn't get the memo they've changed their name to the sexy 6 now cause August was inducted into their little brotherhood" I said rolling my eyes.
           "They are such cornballs!" She said "and yet you and Michael will be next in line getting married, once you two stop messing around, so you'll be stuck with one of those cornballs!" I said laughing as we got into the car. "UGH! Please don't kill my vibe!" "Inside voices girls!" My mama said yelling just as loud. We looked at each other and laughed.
             It felt just like old times when we were kids. I didn't know what I'd do without these two.
Later after the meeting
I looked down as I received a text as we were getting in the car on the way to drop me back off at home.
DaddyyyyAug❤️👅💍: how's your day going love, and why haven't I heard from your irkin ass??? 🙃🤔
AriG💍😘😻: my day has been very productive...and Nigga please 👉🏾🚪🙄
DaddyyyyAug❤️👅💍: so productive you couldn't text or call yo man? You actin out!
AriG💍😘😻: sorry daddy 😕 I just been really busy today, buuuuttt your gonna love my dress! 😍 I can't wait for you to see it
DaddyyyyAug❤️👅💍Did you tell that designer what I wanted? Is it a rip away? If not Imma hate it 🤷🏽‍♂️
AriG💍😘😻: knock it off!! You know it's not a rip away 😩 you're so annoying
DaddyyyyAug❤️👅💍: I'm playing cry baby. When you bringing ya ass home a nigga missing you and these dogs just staring at me lookin dumb 😐
AriG💍😘😻: I'll be home soon and they probably want you to let them out 😂
DaddyyyyAug❤️👅💍: I tried that and they just stood thea staring at me and the open door they want they mama and so do I so you don't need to be home soon you need to be neeeoowww!! 🗣
AriG💍😘😻: 😂😂 ok boo bear I'm on way I'm almost home.
DaddyyyyAug❤️👅💍: 👌🏾 aight
         We pulled into the driveway and I hopped out telling them "bye love you guys call me when you all make it home." "Ok girl!Love you too!" "Alright sweetheart! Love you too!" They said at the same time.
           I let myself into the house only to be greeted by all three dogs and a trail of rose petals. "What is daddy up to guys?" I said patting their heads. I raised up and I followed the trail of petals into the kitchen and there was a candlelit dinner set up, but no August in sight aaaw this is so sweet I thought to myself. I noticed that the petals lead upstairs as well so I kept on up the stairs. Sure enough there sat August waiting in all black looking like a full course meal himself. I snapped a quick picture of him for insta

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