Chapter 2- March

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Author's note: Please, please, please comment and let me know what you think!

Chapter 2


I looked at my fork and noticed how greasy it was from cutting through my egg. It was a bit disgusting, but I could handle it. I put it down and picked up a piece of bacon, poking through the yolk that I had cut out into a circle of it's own. I always did that to my eggs, and then I made a sandwich with toast, bacon, and the white.

Zach suddenly walked into the kitchen, burping quietly and then exhaling. He scratched his head as he got out a glass, and then proceeded to fill it with water from the faucet. He looked tired, like he'd just woken up; which he probably did. It was pretty early for him... Eleven thirty.

He took a long swig from his glass and placed it heavily on the counter, looking out the window as he leaned his weight to one hip in an awkward looking stance. He made a little clicking noise with his mouth before shifting his glance towards me. He frowned almost immediately. "Why are you watching me?" He asked slowly, his eyes squinting in suspicion. Oh, shit... I hadn't even realized I was watching him so closely.

"'Cause you look like shit." I came up with an excuse. His nose crinkled in disgust and he rolled his eyes before exiting the kitchen with his glass of water.

"Tell me something I do not know," Zach growled back. Wow, he actually admitted it. I laughed quietly to myself before finishing my egg yolk and going to make a sandwich. I took my first bite and the toast immediately scratched the roof of my mouth. I hated that about sandwiches with toast.

When I was done I put my dish in the sink and looked out the window to see Zach sitting down on the steps of the side deck, smoking a cigarette. Ugh... just looking at him made my chest burn with anger. Something about him deeply bugged me. It probably didn't help that he always smelled of something that, even though it had been about two months, I longed for. I was beginning to wish I'd never started smoking in the first place. Maybe if I'd had better foster parents? I thought about my past homes.

I turned and looked around the kitchen. I saw my board resting against the wall and shrugged. Might as well. I walked over and grabbed it before exiting out the front door. I glanced over when I was in the drive way and scowled at Zach, who was finishing up his smoke. I put my board down and began messing around on it, trying to do simple tricks. It wasn't until I fucked up and tripped off that I noticed Zach had moved closer and was laughing at me.

"And what, exactly, do you call that trick?" He asked, unfriendly laughter in his voice. I glared at him and he smiled smugly. I noticed he had lit up another cigarette. It's like he knew how to irk me...

I tried my best to ignore his stupid little laughs and snorts the best I could. I don't know why I just didn't stop... I was trying to do a kick flip, and for some fucking reason, probably because of the pressure of Zach watching, I just couldn't pull it off. I could have done it perfectly any other time. It was just my luck, I guess.

"No, no! This is how the fuck you do it, dumb ass!" He suddenly blurted out and grabbed my skateboard from me. I stood back and grit my teeth. I didn't think he could skate, so I was interested slightly. He stood on it for a little bit, and then, just like that, did a perfect kick flip. He looked over at me, a smile on his face. "See? Maybe I should teach you, huh?"

"Yeah, whatever... I know how to do tricks." I didn't know what to say.

"Yeah?" He asked, kicking my board towards me. "Well... I have a feeling I know how to do many more...," He said as he walked past me. I stood there for a little bit and picked up my board. My adrenaline was running high. I gripped tightly onto the truck of my board, my teeth clamped tightly together. I could feel my face getting red, and my heart beating in my head.

Around and Around (boy x boy)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora