Chapter 26- June

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I looked down at my learner's permit and smiled. It was just a piece of paper, but I could finally legally learn how to drive! I was so glad I hadn't had to drag my ass to the DMV and take that stupid test again too. Everyone was so miserable there, and it was full of weird ass people. I was glad to walk out of there in high spirits.

"Good job, Dylan!" Claudia congratulated me with a big smile as we walked out onto to the parking lot.

"Thanks!" I replied, still smiling. I was stupidly excited. For what? It's not like I had just taken my license test and passed... but it was a step in that direction. We approached her car and I hesitated, not sure if I was supposed to be heading for the driver's side. To my dismay she stood by her car door and unlocked it before getting in without a word. "Can't I drive home?" I asked quickly while her door was still open. She looked up at me and grinned.

"No, dear," She laughed. "We can go to a church parking lot to practice your first time. There is no traffic to worry about there." I reluctantly walked around to the passenger's side and got in.

"Okay, Claud, that sounds good," I lied and looked out the window as we drove off. I was disappointed, but what could I do. We made small talk the whole way home until we pulled into the drive way. Zach's green Honda was parked halfway in the grass and halfway on the pavement. He had left fresh tire marks on the damp earth where he had driven over. I snickered to myself when I noticed this. I heard Claudia sigh and looked over to see she was shaking her head in the direction of his car. She obviously didn't find it at all amusing.

We walked inside to find Killian already at the door as it opened. He was always waiting to greet us when he heard anybody's car pull up. Even Deron until he realized who it was coming through the door. Then his tail would fall and he would walk away with his head low, as if disappointed it weren't someone better. It always made me grin to myself. I glanced in the kitchen to see Zach sitting at the table eating a piece of toast. His eyes shifted to me.

"How did you do?" He asked. I grinned, trying to ignore the slight attitude I thought I heard in his voice.

"I passed!" I announced proudly.

"Ach, good. You would have to be a fucking retard to fail that." Jesus Christ. My happy mood faltered. "Wait until you take your driver's test." He said, looking down at a magazine that was laying open in front of him blankly.

"Oh, thanks," I sighed and rolled my eyes. I sat down in the chair adjacent to him.

"Do not get me wrong, that test is easy as well. It is just more nerve wracking." He looked over at me and I scowled at him. "You know what this means, though?" He asked with a sly grin.

"What?" I asked with a shrug after a moment of silence. I thought he would tell me before I even said anything.

"I can teach you how to drive, of course!" He said cheerily and finished his last bite of toast.

"Oh, no, Zachary," Claudia began. "I do not think it is a very good idea for Dylan to learn on your car." She stood leaning against the counter, facing our direction. He frowned slightly.

"Why?" He asked, sounding confused.

"Because it is a manual transmission and he is only learning. That is a difficult skill to master. Not everything in life has to be so intimidating in the beginning," She stiffly, giving him a stern look. He laughed a little.

"Why are you so serious?" He snorted. "I am sure he could learn to drive my car perfectly in no time." I was watching each of them as they spoke, not sure exactly what the big deal about driving his car was.

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