Part 21: Where am I?

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I hear muffled mumbling. I feel cold and when I start to open my eyes, they fly back shut to keep from being blinded. The mumbles get clearer and more familiar when I feel someone grab my hand.

"Juno? Juno, hun, can you hear me?"

My eyes adjust and search for the person with my hand. They land on Dexter's soft face wrinkled with concern.

"Where am I? What happened?"

I hear another voice on the other side of the room.

"Ah miss Juno, it's good to see you're awake. I'm Dr. Schwarz. How are you feeling?"

It takes me a second to realize that I'm in a hospital. Dr. Schwarz is an older, sturdier man. He definitely lives up to his German name. I consider his question; I don't really feel much of anything accept what feels like menstrual cramping.

"Ok? I just feel cramping-"

A lurch in my stomach changes my mind.

"-maybe a bit of nausea."

He nods silently for a second, writing stuff down on the clipboard he's holding. I feel the same hand start to gently rub my shoulder. I turn my head back to Dexter, still concerned, a faint smile comes across his lips. I grow more confused by the minute, then I remember. Detroit. Dexter's house. I got dizzy. Realizing no one had answered my question, I ask again.

"What happened?"

Dr. Schwarz looks up from his clipboard.

"Oh there's no need to worry. What happened was very minor, but I will give you a full explanation once the final test results are in."

I only sit there more confused. Dr. Schwarz turns to leave the room.

"I will be back shortly with the results."

The door closes behind him. I see an I.V. in my arm, round stickers with cords on my chest, and a clamp on my index finger. I turn back to Dexter.

"This doesn't look very minor to me! Dexter, what happened? Why am I here?"

I say, annoyed now, feeling like a broken record. He shrugs.

"I don't know what happened, Juno. We were on my couch together, kissing, next thing I knew you were out cold in my arms!"

"I blacked out?!"

"Yeah, you scared the shit out of me!! I didn't know what to do besides call an ambulance. Even when they got you here, they couldn't figure out what was wrong. You were out for a solid three or four hours while they were running a bunch of tests and scans on you. They couldn't find anything and you were breathing ok, so they kept you on all this life support in here until you woke up."

I try to soak in everything he said.

"Holy shit!"

A knock comes at the big white door of the room, and the knob turns. Dr. Schwarz steps in and closes the door behind him.

"Miss Juno, I've got your test results in. The good news is you are perfectly fine."

Dexter chimes in impatiently.

"How can she be perfectly fine if she just blacked out like that? What happened?"

Dr. Schwarz chuckles.

"I was just about to get to that. Miss Juno, are you aware that you're pregnant?"

The words hit me like a slap across the face.

"Excuse me?!"

Dexter follows after me.

"Yeah, what?" 

Dr. Schwarz looks at us with a raised eyebrow.

"So I'm assuming that's a no then."

"What do you mean I'm pregnant?"

"I mean, both the urine and blood test came back positive."

I start to list all the symptoms. My period, last one was two months ago. My boobs hurt. Cravings, the airport pizza. Nausea...oh my god!

"Miss Juno-"

I snap out of my panic attack. He has his clipboard back up with his pen.

"-when was the last time you had sexual intercourse?"

My eyes meet with Dexter's. They're filled with shock. The condom Chico gave me, we never used it. 

"March 26th."

I say as my head drops.

"Ah, so you're a little over a month along already."

"Oh my god."

"The reason you blacked out is rare, but still possible. Your body had a more or less over exaggerated reaction to your hormonal changes. So it shut down. However, this does not affect you or your unborn child. It is only a minor symptom."

I see Dexter with his head in his hands. I start to feel scared. Dr. Schwarz continues.

"It is minor. But since your body reacted in such a drastic measure, we are going to have to keep an eye on you through out your pregnancy just in case."

I barely even pay attention to what he's saying, I'm focused on Dexter. He has the atmosphere of disappointment and fear. My voice is unsteady. 


Before I could utter anything else, he sits up. There's a certain strain in his face that turns my stomach upside down. He says sternly.

"I have to go."

He stands up and to walk toward the door. He has a certain panic in his step.

"Dexter, where are you going? Dexter wai-"

The door shuts behind him. Dr. Schwarz has the awkward expression of witnessing strain between couples, which I'm sure he's used to by now.

I sit in the hospital bed, helpless, confused, and scared. The only thing I could bring myself to do is cry.

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