Part 12: Well Fuck!

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The party starts at 7:30 pm, it's 7:00 pm and I am sitting on my bathroom floor, regretting how I agreed to go to this thing.
Chico is laying on my bed with his arms behind his head, chilling. Kim is cross-legged sitting in front of my bathroom door coaxing me to come out.
She doesn't understand. She's not chubby. She would look perfect in anything you put her in! Not me!
I stand up and look in the mirror again.
My makeup isn't bad actually, not bad for zero experience. My hair actually looks pretty cute.
I can't believe I actually found a dress I love. In my size!
It's a sleeveless dress that has a turquoise to black gradient. It's a little short for my liking, but the dress itself was worth it.
It's me, I don't like me.
My arms and legs are chunky, scratch that, I'm chunky all around.
I can't do this.

"J-bird, come on honey! I wanna see it!"

Kim had her head against the door.

I continue sitting on the floor. I think about Dexter, how disappointed he would be if I didn't go.
I stand, look in the mirror one last time, and take a deep breath.
I grab the door knob and slowly open the door.
Kim stands up and Chico sits up on my bed; they give me their undivided attention.
I step out and look down in embarrassment.

*gasps*"Juno, you look so pretty!"

Kim has her hands over her glossed lips.

"That is your color J-bird, you look great!"

Chico smiles.

"Thanks you guys!"



Kim runs to the intercom before I even get up and says in the most cheery voice:

"Come up!!"

Before long, that soft knock comes at my door again. I am in my room trying to keep myself from freaking out. Hearing that knock in the process didn't help much.
I hear Kim's jumpy enthusiastic voice already talking me up.

"Haha well, where is she?"

I take that as my que to leave my comfort zone and creep into the living room. The feel of them all staring at me as I come into view brings the heat to my cheeks again.
I look directly at Dexter. He has a jet black suit on with a white shirt and black tie. So simple, yet so crisp and dapper. He has his dark brown hair pulled back in that cute man bun. I notice a Bulova watch on his left wrist. I don't know why, it just adds the most classy touch to his look. Not just because it's an expensive watch but because of how it looks on him.
Funny, I never noticed it before.
I meet his gaze. He has this look of shock that makes me unsure what he'll do next.

"Holy shit!"

I cripple with fear.

"Holy shit?"

"--Uhh... oh OH! No, I'm sorry! I just-- wow!"

I smiled with confusion visually present.
He continues to look me up and down, which scares me a little. He gets fairly close to me and grabs both my hands in his.

"You look-- so beautiful!"

I giggle uncontrollably with relief.

Well FuckOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora