Part 13: What Just Happened?

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I slowly start to wake up. Before I open my eyes, I hear a muffled voice. I squint from the bright light streaming through the window next to my bed and let my eyes adjust. Pluto is in a tiny ball next to me not even budging when I sit up.
The muffled voice comes a little clearer. I get scared for a second before I start to remember everything that happened last night. I even blush at the thought. It's now that I realize that I'm still nude.
Dexter is in the living room talking.
Who is he talking to?
I listen for a minute and there are pauses between things he says with short responses.
He's on the phone.
I peer over the bed and the aftermath from last night is still scattered across my bedroom floor, including all of Dexter's clothes.
Is he in my living room naked talking on the phone?
I chuckle to myself at the thought. I hear heavy foot steps come closer to my door. For some unknown reason, I decide to fly back under my covers and pretend I'm still asleep. I wait for him to open the door but he is still talking. I try to eavesdrop to maybe find out who he's talking to.

"Are you sure we can't postpone it?"
"Well, I have a -- personal-- situation going on here."
"No, yeah I got it. I just-"
"No, no it's not that. I just feel like I need more time!"
"Yeah I know, that's not an option."
"*sigh* Alright."
"Ok I'll see you then."

I wrinkle my forehead in confusion.
What was that all about?
I hear my door knob turn and I quickly put on the best sleeping act possible. I hear him set his phone on the dresser and start to walk back toward the bed. He comes to the side I'm on, leans down to put his hand lightly on my shoulder, and kiss my cheek. I feel a little warmer inside.
He unexpectedly whispers in my ear.

"I know you're awake."

I look up at him and he's shaking his head with a half smile as he circles to go back to his side of the bed.

"Damn it."

I say playfully, but he doesn't really react. He plops down next to me stark naked.

"Did you not wanna put your clothes back on?"

I say with a snicker. He slowly shakes his head.


What ever he was talking about on the phone really effected his mood. I get serious.

"Are you ok?"

He turns to look at me with a sad grin on his face. Almost in grief.

"Yeah, I'll be ok, baby doll!"

I flashback to last night and it gives me a shiver. I smile and lean in to kiss him. He scoops me up in an abrupt, tight squeeze and I let out a little shriek.

"Ouch, ouch!"

He borrows his face in my neck and starts tickling me. I start laughing and squirming uncontrollably. I can't escape his grip. He keeps going until I can barely breathe from laughing, then he stops still hugging me. We start kissing with me out of breath. He slowly lets go and starts to grope my boobs. Between kisses he mutters.

"Mm hello!"

Then he asks.

"You wanna go get some breakfast?"

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