Part 3: Snap out of it!

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"You're doing it again."


*sigh* "You're head is somewhere else J-bird, in that biker's crotch perhaps?"

"Ha ha ha, very funny!"

here are times that I wished that Kim couldn't tell what I was thinking. I kept spacing out all day since I saw him.

"He's not really that cute, he's more scary if you ask me!"




"Shit woman, can you get your head out of the clouds for five minutes to have a decent conversation with me?!"

"Sorry Kim, I just-"

can't stop thinking about him. want him to hold me in his big strong arms. want to kiss his soft, gorgeous face.

"- can't...think of anything to do for this next project."

"Well, I don't think you'll get any ideas from staring at him!"

Was I staring?! oh shit, did he see me? I quickly looked away, but before I did, I couldn't help but notice him staring back.

Well FuckOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz