Part 20: In Your Arms Again

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The door has a hollow c'chunk before it cracks open to reveal a familiar hand on the knob. Not knowing what to do with myself, I freeze in fear. His tall broad figure is revealed as he opens the door the rest of the way. His hair is messy and he's wearing a plain white T-shirt that vaguely shows this toned chest underneath along with a pair of worn grey sweatpants.

The look on his face is utter shock, I'm almost sure he gasps. For a couple seconds, he's just as frozen as I am. Until he finally spits something out.

"Wha- Juno!? How- what are you doing here?"

His face is still shocked, but now a confused smile spreads across his face. God, I almost forgot how gorgeous he is. I take a second before I instinctively smile back and hold up the Traveler's Magazine.

"I read a very interesting article."

Dexter looks at the magazine as if it stirs some feelings he had just left behind. He blushes in the slightest before he looks back at me.

"You- you came all the way here because of my article?"

"What you said, there are no words I could properly formulate to respond with. So, here I am I guess. I still don't really know what I'm doing."

I say with a nervous chuckle, I look to the ground and back at him. He stares at my face for a brief moment before he steps out of the doorway and scoops me into his arms without a word. I feel all my worries melt away as I stand there with my head against his chest. I feel him lean down to have his lips near my ear.

"Nothing could have made me happier than to see your beautiful face again!"

I can't help but let the tears run from my eyes as I drop the magazine and wrap my arms completely around the back of his neck, pulling us closer.


A thunderstorm begins to grow outside.

We sit on his couch and talk just like we did before. I tell him about my job offer from Angus and about Wales. He tells me how it's been on his end as well. How he fills his time now that he quit his job. 

There's a pause between our conversation, Dexter starts to stare at me with a hurt look on his face.


He sighs.

"Juno, I was so scared that I would loose you forever."

I look down, ashamed almost.

"To be honest, I was going to let it happen that way."

The hurt and frightened expression on his face tugged at my heart.

"But, I knew I didn't actually want that to happen. Your article sort of, woke me up. It reminded me how much I love you; and how much you love me."

He gave me a glance and a half-smile. 

"No one has ever done anything like that for me. I almost feel like you quit an amazing job because of me."

Dexter lightly takes my hands into his.

"I did. It wasn't as amazing as I was lead to think. It promised immense freedom, but it also held me back from what I really want. You!"

I feel the heat come to my cheeks again, leading my eyes to tear up.

How does he make me cry so much?

A teary chuckle comes out as I wrap my arms around him again. He pulls away and caresses my jaw with his strong hands, looking deep into my eyes. Our lips meet into a passionate kiss, which lead to another and another. One more passionate than the next. He started to kiss my cheeks, then my neck. A tingling went through my body that made me slightly light headed. His hands begin to explore my body and my breath quickens. My dizziness gets worse, I think nothing of it until I start to feel an ail in my stomach. 

I stop for a minute, I feel the only support I have is Dexter holding me by my shoulders. He pauses also, his face growing more confused.


I turn my head toward him, I feel like I'm in slow motion. My vision starts to double. My hearing goes in and out. I hear a faint panicked voice before everything goes black.  

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