Part 6: Aww

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I keep my hold on him for a second before pulling away having my hands on his back.
I can't help but feel a bit aroused in this position with him.
Stop it Juno!
I shake off the thought.
His back slips from under my gloved hands as he steps off the bike. He offers his hand and I carefully take it. I depend a bit on his arm to hop off, but he doesn't even bend under my weight.

"Thank you."

"Of course! Did you enjoy the ride?"

"It was cold!"

He laughs.
Aw, he has the sweetest laugh!

"I really appreciate you giving me a ride!"

"It's no problem, I enjoyed having a new passenger!"

He grins.
Lord help me!
I giggle.

"You need a ride tomorrow don't you?"

"Oh, uh yeah, but I can carpool with Kim."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, thanks anyway though! I feel stupid, I don't even know your name!"

"Haha you're not stupid, my name's Dexter!"

We shake hands the gloves are so big he couldn't feel my hand. He laughs. I start to pull them off to give them back when he stops me and pushes the glove back on my hand.

"You need them more than I do."

I smile and look up at him. We gaze into each other's eyes for a minute while his hands encase mine. His face softens like he wants to say something, but he stops himself.

"I...better get going. You go warm up!"

"O-ok, I'll...see you tomorrow?"

"You bet!"

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