Part 1: *sigh*

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"What is it supposed to be?"

"I don't know, it's an abstract."

"That part right there looks like a vagina."

"Damn it Kim, I have to fix it now!"

"Nah, leave it for Mr. B it'll be the only action he gets!"



That's my best friend Kim. She's more of a sister than anything. I know way much more about her than I'd like to. Like the fact that I know she has a pretty damn good body, which explains why she has slept with a numerous amount of guys. Once they see that body and the long ash-brown hair combine with that flawless skin, they don't really see the personality that makes you question her sanity.


"I think it looks more like grapefruit."


That's Chico, his real name is Lucas but we never refer to him as Lucas. Kim just started calling him Chico because she didn't know his real name, so I went along with it. Chico is a simple-minded fellow; doesn't care about much. He's mixed and he has some pretty great dreadlocks if you ask me. He's also the stoner of the group, so he's usually pretty down-to-Earth and fun to talk to.


"Thanks Chico!"


I'm Juno. Sometimes they call me J-bird. I'm the artsy one in the group. Most people just recognize me more for my art rather than me as a person. But I'm the really pale ginger with a trillion freckles and strawberry blonde hair. I look fairly innocent, but I've got a bunch of piercings and as many tattoos as I can afford, which isn't many. Generally, I'm ok with myself, except for one thing. I'm pretty chunky.
My friends love me, but when it comes to guys, well, you know I don't get nearly as much action as Kim does. In fact, I'm a virgin.

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