Part 10: Yup, I'm Dreaming!

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What do I wear?

My wardrobe mostly consists of T-shirts, sweatshirts, and jeans. When it comes to nicer clothing, I don't have much.
I make sure I grab the pair of jeans that make my butt look good and I start digging through my closet for a top.

I'm just about done with my hair when I hear my intercom buzz.
I quickly spray on a light vanilla scent I have and dart for the door.

"Come on up!"

I frantically look for my converse; I find one at the door but I can't find the other. I hear a small thud and squeak. I look behind me to see Pluto tugging at the shoe string of my other converse. I pluck him off with a giggle and slip it on.
The same soft knock comes at my door just moments later.
I ruffle my hair and open the door. Dexter smiles as soon as he sees my face. He's got a worn T-shirt with a red and black plaid shirt under his leather jacket along with a pair of jeans. I can feel the heat come to my cheeks again.

"Hi Dexter!"

"Hey Juno, you ready?"

"Sure, so, what is it we're doing exactly?"

He shrugs.

"You'll see, did you eat yet?"

I think back through my morning and realize I had completely forgotten to eat both breakfast and lunch.


He smiles again; this time like he's up to something.

"Cool, I know just the place!"

He motions his head to follow him. I step out the door and lock it.

"So I didn't get to ask, why do you have a blue door?"

"Well, two years ago on New Years eve, some drunks in 328 took an axe to my old door."

"Shit! Were you ok?"

"Yeah, just pissed!"

We both laugh.

"Why specifically your door though, did they have something against you?"

"I don't think so, just luck of the stumble I guess!"

He chuckles.

"So what's this place you're taking me to?"

"It's a suprise!"


As soon as we step out the door of my building, I see his bike. A feeling of deja vous comes to me as he grasps my hand to help me on the bike again, and we're off. I decide to fling my scarf around my nose and mouth as a make-shift ski mask. The cold wind still hit my face like ice pricks.

It's a fairly short ride to our destination, and little time to talk in between. We pull up in a run-down parking lot with very few cars in it.

Milo's Diner

It was a 50s themed little diner. The neon lights flashed each letter to spell out Milo's Diner and at the end there was milkshake that flashed pink. The ripply glass block windows lined the building, and the entire exterior was ivory and mint colored.
Dexter helped me off the bike and continuing to grasp my hand he gestured to the little place.

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