Part 9: Should I?

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My eyes slowly open only to immediately squint back closed at the bright sunlight coming through my window. I sit up and realize I'm back at my place.

Chico must've drove me home.

He usually does that if I pass out at his place. Two reasons why I love smoking weed, it seriously helps my anxiety and I get a really deep sleep!
I hear a small noise coming from the floor next to my bed.
I pat the edge of the bed and almost instantly, my attention-hoarding black kitten jumps onto my bed. He hasn't quite gotten to jumping high enough yet, so he clings on the side of the bed with his tiny nails and claws his way up to me.
I don't know why, but it makes me laugh every time.
Pluto is my little man! I found him curled in a ball under a couple boxes behind my building. I'm pretty sure he was the runt of the litter and he was left behind. So, I took him into the vet, they cleared him of any diseases, and sent him home with me. I've never loved something so much!
I smile at the thought as I stroke
his back until he sticks his butt in the air.
I stretch to look at the clock on my night stand. I see the little note with the phone number and the heart and pick it up.

Should I call him?
It is a Saturday, maybe he's busy.
I could just say that I'm checking to see who's number it is...

I get out of bed and rummage through my bag to look for my phone. I hear Pluto squeaking for food in the background.
I finally pluck it out of the front pocket and unlock the screen. Pluto lets out a longer squeak.

"I'm coming, I'm coming!"

I hold the tiny note in one hand and I dial with the other as I walk into the kitchen to feed Pluto.



"Um, hey, is this Dexter?"

There goes my plan for saying "just figuring out who it is"

"Hey Juno! I was hoping you'd call. You got my note?"

He says with a laugh.

His voice sounds even deeper on the phone! He was hoping I'd call?

"Yeah, *chuckles* it was cute!"

"Haha I try! Hey, you have anything planned today?"

My heart skips a beat.
Is he about to ask me on a date?!

"I- um, I don't think so, no."

"Rad, would you wanna hang with me?

A huge smile spreads across my face.

"I'd love to!"

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