Part 14: I Wish I WAS Dreaming

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I sit silently in the back seat of the cab and stare out the window. It suddenly gets dark out. Theres a streak of like across the sky followed by a huge rumble. Drip, drip one after another rain drops fall until they blur the entire widow and it starts to pour.
It hasn't rained in California for months. I find it funny how it starts to rain when things go wrong.
The combination of the silence and the rain leaves me in my thoughts. More tears start to run down my face.


I slowly unlock my blue door, step in, and shut it behind me. I drop everything and kick off my shoes. The only thing I want to do is go straight to my room and fall onto my bed. For an hour I try to fall asleep, but my head is racing.
Why would he not tell me?
Why would he let me get attached if he's only going to leave?
Maybe he just wanted to have sex with me and leave!
Why would he do this?
The one guy that actually likes me is already leaving me.
My stomach turns into knots. I lay there for a minute trying to space out of my thoughts, when something shiny catches my eye. I sit up and glance at my nightstand. It's the Bulova watch.
I scoot over and pick it up. It has a black face with little silver bars instead of numbers. "Bulova" was printed in the middle. The minute and hour hands look just like the little bars and they stay in place on the precise time. The second hand glides ever so smoothly around the face. The wrist band matches with the silver rim to finish off its clean modern look. I flip it over to see the bottom of the watch. It has an engraving in the plate that says "Dexter's New York Edition"
I wonder if it's just a coincidence.
My investigation of the watch is interrupted by my phone ringing. It's Kim. I ignore it and lay back down on my pillows and hold the watch gently in my hands. I lay there and listen to the rain fall as I drift off to sleep.


I'm awoken by Pluto stepping on my face.

"Ow Pluto, what the fuck?"

I push him off and he topples over landing on the bed next to me. I rub my eyes and reach for my phone on the nightstand.
It's four o'clock.
I slept for three hours?
I see my notifications has four missed calls. The one is from Kim, the rest are from Dexter. Theres a voicemail too. I hesitate to listen to it. But I open it anyway.

"Juno, it's me, please pick up! I know you're mad at me but I want to talk about this. Not telling you about this from the start was a huge mistake. I knew I wasn't going to stay and I should not have gotten you involved! The worst part is, I don't think I'll be able to come back.
I have to leave next weekend. My manager Kenny pushed up the due date for my article. I'd really like to see you one more time before I leave..."

I wait for him to say something else, but there is a long pause that cuts off to the machine asking me to delete it.
I start to tear up again.
He won't be able to come back?
I let several tears roll down my face before a feeling of betrayal starts to well up inside me.
he doesn't even care enough about me to come back?!
And here I thought he loved me.
I tense up and forcefully throw my phone across the room. It hits the wall with a loud thud that sends Pluto running.
My anger turns into a sob and I lay on my bed in silence.

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