Part 18: What Do I Do?

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Sitting in the back of the cab, I'm still spaced out with my leg shaking. My ringtone breaks through the silence stopping my heart for a split second.
It's Kim. I hesitate before swiping left.


"J, did you see the newest Traveler's Magazine?! Oh my god!"

"Yeah, I just did."

"You sound sad, why?! His article was so sweet!"

"Of course it was. I just- I don't know what to think."

"You have to see him! Are you still in Wales?"

"Yeah, I-I don't think I can see him right now."

"Well you should at least call him!"


"I'm gonna go, ok hun? I hope you are having fun there! Call him!!"

"yeah, yeah bye."

I sigh hanging up the phone and tossing it in my bag on the seat next to me.
The cab pulls up to the hotel I'm staying in. I pay the driver and blankly walk inside.
I flop onto the bed and stare at the ceiling. I space out into the designs that look like fireworks.
Holy shit. He wrote almost an entire article about me! He fucking quit his job!!
What am I supposed to do?!
I try to think, but considering how tired I've felt all day, I fall alseep almost immediately.


I am coaxed awake by an ailing feeling in my stomach. I suddenly rush out from under the sheets and into the bathroom to lean over the toilet.
Great, I'm sick! That's exactly what I need!
I wobble out of the bathroom and see that it's six in the morning.
Holy shit, honestly?
Out of instinct, I check the notifications on my phone before flopping back onto the bed.
I need to go home.
I think about the article again. After a moment of thinking, I sit up and reach for my bag next to the bed. I pull out my laptop and bring up the search engine typing in American Airlines.
About 20 minutes go by.
Why do they have to make this so hard?
After much deliberation, I have a ticket for the eight o'clock flight.
I still feel nauseous, but I try to ignore it and sleep for a couple more hours before I need to check out of the hotel.


"Are you sure you have to go so soon, June Bug?"

"Yeah! I wish I didn't, but I have to take care of this."

"Understandable. We are gonna see you soon though, right?"

"Of course, Angus!"

We smile gently and give eachother a warm hug.
I do the same for Liz, Will, and Maverick with a teary goodbye.

"You guys are amazing for all of this, really! And your show was out of this world! I'll see you guys soon, I promise."

I pull out the handle on my suitcase and we wave to eachother. I tilt my bag and start rolling it down the terminal for the flight to Detroit.

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