Part 8: Not Again...

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"Are you serious?!"

"Yeah, he drove me all the way home. He was so sweet, Kim!"

"Girl, he wants dat ass!!"

"Haha, yeah right!"

"Maybe he was just being nice, guys can be nice without intention you know."

"Chico, that's not true and you know it!"

Chico shrugs with a half smile and flicks at his neon pink lighter to take another drag from his blunt.
Yeah, we have these nights ever-so-often where we get together at Chico's place, get high, and just talk or play games or something.
We would end up getting into some real deep conversations sometimes. It makes us closer!
Chico's prefered method is a blunt, he's got his special papers and everything. Kim, shes got her mini glass bong that she got handmade to order. It has pretty colors and everything. Me? I got my small, black plastic pipe. it has a blue, marblized looking base to it. I've always liked the antique feeling to having one.

After a few drags, I start to feel giddy.

"Guys, *chuckles* I think I like him, like... like-like....him!"

"Damn right you his dick!!"

We all burst out laughing.
Kim is obnoxious in general, but when she's high, it's like a five year old in a ball pit!

"Ah-eight Kim, give er a break! J, I think you gotta decent chance with this dude from what I hear."

I blush at the thought.

"No, he probably wants a pencil-thin brunette that follows him around like a lost puppy!"


"Easy Kim, she's not referring to you. Not all guys like the skinny type, J."

"Yeah they do, they just don't admit it."

"Give em a chance, you never know."

"No, I know. The last time I fell for someone, It came back to bite me in the ass. Alex Portman."
Alex Portman was my early high school crush. My freshman year I thought I could get in with the crowd by going after a senior. Plus, he was a hot Jock.
So, later that year, I gathered the courage to walk up to him during lunch. Chubby little me goes up to this huge jock and says

"H-hey, Alex!"


"I-I have a crush on you!"

A devilish grin spread across his face as he held in a laugh as best he could.

"Sorry, kid, I gotta girl."

My heart sank to my stomach as I slowly backed away. I could hear his group laughing behind me.
That wasn't the worst part.

The next day I went into the bigger stall in the gym's bathroom. to change into my clothes for P.E. I did not change with the other girls in the locker room for obvious reasons.
I slipped my shirt and pants off and stuffed them in my bag. As I went to pick up my gym shirt, the stall door crashed inward with a loud, unexpected BANG!
I screamed, helplessly covering what I could. Only to realize that there were three girls with their phones out snapping pictures of my terror.
They ran away giggling.

I didn't know what to do, so I sat on the floor and cried.

A day or two later, I recieve an e-mail from the school news letter. I open it only to stare back at my half naked body in the bathroom stall screaming.
The words above and below me read:

BBW looking for a fuck buddy! ;)

My eyes widened in horror. I came to find out that Alex's girlfriend was in my gym class, she was one of the three photographers. Alex told her what I said during lunch, and they thought it'd be fun to humiliate me.

Everyone had given me smirks, disgusted faces, and laughs all the way up to my senior year.
The flashback brings tears to my eyes, and I start crying.
Chico and Kim look at me with faces of sympathy.
Chico scooted towards me and took me into a tight hug. Kim came in on the other side.
I close my eyes as I let the tears run down my face.

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