Part 7: Am I Dreaming?

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I'm leaning against the wall in the elevator, replaying everything that has happened in the past 25 minutes!
I'm still wondering whether I actually just went home, took a nap, and dreamed all of this.
He's so sweet! He's big and intimidating, but he's so nice!
Why did he look at me like that?
He freaking held my hands!!
I look down at the gloves.
I stay lost in thought for a minute before I step out of the elevator.

This floor has always had a weird smell.

I live in an old apartment building that is only a couple miles from school. They have tried to renovate it so many times, that sometimes I don't even recognize it.
My apartment on the other hand, you can't miss it. Top floor, blue door. The reason I am the only one with a blue door in my building is because they had to replace mine after a bunch of drunks down the hall took an axe to it. Why? That's a good question. They didn't have anymore
doors like the ones everybody else had, but they had a blue one laying in the basement for some reason. So, I had the honor of inheriting it! I don't mind it though, I like my blue door.
I flop down on my squeaky queen size mattress and snuggle into my soft, stripped jersey sheets. I drift off to sleep pretty fast.



I flinch and my eyes shoot open. I stumble out of bed and towards the intercom on the wall next to the door. I hold down the button and utter in a groggy voice

"Come up"

I take a look at the digital clock on my night stand, I've only been alseep for an hour. Before I know it, there's a soft knock on my door. Still half asleep, I slowly make my way towards the door and open it.
It takes me a moment to recognize the towering figure in my doorway.

"Hey Juno, nice door!"

He says in the Batman voice.
Suprised, I unintentionally rub my eyes.

"Dexter? Hi, wha- what are you doing here?"

He holds up my army green canvas bag with all the buttons on it and smiles.

"Oh shit, Sorry about that!"

"Haha you're fine!"

He gives me a playful smile.

"You uh- you drove all the way back just to give me my bag?"

"Well, I assumed it was important. Plus, it's no big deal!"

"Haha yeah, I pretty much use it for everything!"

I say as I gently take it out of his hand, brushing mine against his, accept this time they weren't gloved.

"I really appreciate you bringing it back for me!"

"No problem."

"Would um- would you like to come inside?"

"Nah, I'd better go, and let you get back to sleep."

He says as he chuckles in that deep voice.

"Haha alright, I'll-- see you tomorrow?"

"You bet!"

I close the door and sigh with infatuation. I toss my bag on my boho couch and I notice something fall out. It's a small piece of paper; I pick it up to throw it away but somethings written on it. I unfold it and read it. There's a phone number on it and a tiny heart in the bottom corner. It must've been him. I rarely write down numbers and if I do I throw them away right after.
Aww he put a heart! I giggle and put it on my night stand.
*sigh* wow!
I snuggle back in my bed, smile, and drift off to sleep again.

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