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After kissing Bryan for what seemed like forever he walked me up to my porch where we said our goodbyes.

 Bryan had me feeling brand new like I was newly in love and I didn't like the feeling. I still needed time to think, I have a lot going on right now and I don't have time for anything new and complicated. But being with Bryan felt so right but at the same time it felt so wrong. I close my eyes and try to forget about everything that has been bothering me these past few weeks, I wish it could all just go away! When I open my eyes I am greeted by the warm glow of the sunshine beaming down on my face. I squint my eyes and stare into the sunshine hoping for some answers to somehow appear but I get nothing but a headache so I get up instead and hop in the shower, hoping the warm sensation of the water dancing on my body would put me at ease. As of right now I feel as though I have no control over which direction my life is going in and that worries me, I really need to get my shit together! My mama didn't raise no fool I'm better than this!


I can't stand that bitch Jasmine! She really thinks she could come out of nowhere and tell me what the hell to do?! Bitch please! she had some nerves she really did but it's all good! I don't need that stupid Bitch and never did all she ever did was slow me down anyways!

 I turn up my radio in my car and nod my head as I wait for my new boo Randy to come out of the warehouse with my medicine i've been feening for. I watch Randy as he approaches the car with a worried look on his face and I shake my head hoping he didn't fuck nothing up!

"Well did you get the shit?!" I snapped as soon as he gets into the car.

" Yea but Ryan said he can't give you no more deals unless you start working for him so I only got one bag." Randy replied pulling out the bag and handing it to me.

" Are you fucking kidding me Randy? I paid for four fucking bags!! And he Only Gave me One talking about he can't do any more deals?! BULLSHIT!!" I Yell through rage and anger pounding my fist on the dashboard.

" You know how Ryan is Babe there wasn't nothing I could do I'm sorry." Randy says with a apologetic look.

I rolled my eyes not giving 2 fucks!

" Where's My fucking Change at?!" I yell not trying to hear none of the Bullshit Randy was always talking.

He looked at me confused before swallowing hard.

"You didn't get no change back Cherry, look please don't go in there acting a foo you know how he is." Randy pleads.

" No, Fuck That Randy I will be right back!" I yell hoping out of the car pissed!

I storm off towards the Ware House ready to Blow some shit up! what the fuck did Ryan mean I can't get no more fucking deals? he must of lost his damn mind! I rush through the door with Randy not too far behind me.

"Babe you don't have to do this!" Randy yells behind me trying to catch up.

"Shut the fuck up" I yell picking up my pace the closer I got to Ryan's office.

When I arrive to his office I bust through the doors without second thought. I quickly scan the room searching for Ryan, finally I spot him in the corner getting his dick sucked by one of his tricks he got working for him. I roll my eye's hard and storm over to where he was with a straight up attitude.

" Bitch you got some nerves Busting through my shit like the damn police! what the hell you want?" Ryan says calmly turning around in his chair with a cigar in his mouth looking annoyed.

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