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I woke up soaked in sweat.

 I quickly hop out of the bed and run into the bathroom to check my nose.

 it was just a dream.

 I look into the mirror and damn I looked a hot ass mess! Hair everywhere makeup smeared, I wrap my naturally curly hair up in a bun and washed my face.

After I was done I grabbed  my phone and call Marcus because I know he misses me, he called me about 20 times last night checking in on me to make sure I was okay.

"About time you called back I was just about to send the squad out to look for yo ass!" He answers sounding worried, that's my baby.

" You know how I get babe, don't take it personal, I'm fine my love." I say smiling into the phone.

" I know, I know I was just worried and shit you know how that goes, plus I miss you, can't go too long without talking to my queen." Marcus admits making me blush, this is why I feel in love with him.

"Aww babe you can be so sweet sometimes... I missed you too bookie boo" I cooed making kissing sounds into the phone as he did the same.

"Sometimes? Girl I'm sweet all the time and I know u missed daddy who wouldn't miss me" Marcus replied sounding a little too cocky.

"Don't let that head get too big now." I warned laughing at his cockiness.

" Yeah, yeah baby quit hating you know you love it." Marcus chuckles smacking his lips

"I know I love you." I say back chewing on my bottom lip.

"And I love you too beautiful." He replies softly making my heart skip a beat.

"Can I see you today?" I ask hoping he said yes.

"I got work today babe, that's why I wanted to spend time with you yesterday but I understand you wasn't feeling well after what happened between you and cherry so I didn't press you about it" Marcus replies sounding sad.

"I see." I say with my face frowned up, I really wanted to spend time with him today.

"Don't be like that babe, I promise once I get off we can do something okay? don't be sad baby I'll call you on all my breaks if you want just so you can hear my voice." Marcus responds being a sweetheart, he always knew how to make me feel better.

I smiled.

" Thanks babe but I'll be fine, just call me when u get off okay?..I love you" I respond giving him a kiss thru the phone.

 "Muah! I love you too sweetie talk to you when I get off." he promises me before hanging up.


"UGH." I moan flopping down on my bed there ain't shit to do! I'm off of work till next week and I'm bored as fuck! I get out of the bed and walk over to my moms room to see what she was doing. 


"Jasmine is that you?" my mom yells thru the cracked door.

"Yeah mom, can I come in?" I say peeking my head in to see my mom typing away on her laptop.

"Come on in baby! I miss you jazzy pooh!" my mom says opening her arms wide so I can give her a bear hug.

"I miss you too mommy, what are you working on beautiful?" I say playing in my moms curly reddish hair.

"work, work, and more work, but I ain't complaining as long as the bills get paid and we get to shop like crazy I'm happy!" my mother cheers looking exhausted and worn out.

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