47: on the run! pt. 3

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moments later: third person

ashlee watches as a car parks in front of her. the window rolls down to reveal vik, looking panicked. "get in!" he yells. ashlee complies and gets in the front passenger seat. 

"where's simon?" vik asks with a worried expression on his face. "i dunno. he said he'd meet me here." ashlee panics. vik sighs, remembering what simon told him. "well, we've gotta go..." vik mutters as he rolls the window up. "huh?" ashlee hums. "we've gotta go." vik says louder. "we can't just leave him!" ashlee yells. "he told me too!" vik yells back. "no. we can't. i won't. i refuse." ashlee says before climbing back out of the car. "ashlee, get back in dammit!" vik yells. "not until simon's here." ashlee says as she crosses her arms.

vik lets out a sigh before stopping the cars ignition. "fine..." he mutters out before climbing out the car.

. . .

vik: simon. where are you? ashlee's refusing to leave without you...

simon is typing...

simon: almost there. wait in the car.

vik is typing...

vik: okay. do hurry though. i see police cars and officers everywhere.

simon: i know...

simon is typing...

simon: gotta go. phones nearly dead. if i'm not there in five minutes, fucking leave.

vik: got it. good luck.

"simon wants us to wait in the car." vik says as he turns to face ashlee. "where is he first?" she asks in a demanding tone. "nearly here. i promise." vik reassures her. she sighs, "fine." she says. vik nods before climbing back into the car, followed by ashlee.

"can i ask you something?" ashlee asks as she leans back in her seat. "sure." vik shrugs as he glances over at her. "when i got interviewed by an officer before getting here, he specifically asked me about simon. why do you think that is?" she asks curiously. vik sighs as he combs his fingers through his hair. "he's like the ringleader, or the boss. he's the one that mainly calls the shots along with josh. he's also known to have killed an officer in the past. that's why." vik explains. "o-oh..." ashlee stutters out, stunned at what vik has just told her.

how can simon - the guy that comes across as so gentle and caring - who wouldn't hurt a fucking fly unless tested enough, how could he be able to kill an officer without a problem? like it was no big deal? it doesn't make sense...

"fucking drive." a voice from the back startles them. they turn around to see a panting simon sat there. "fucking drive dammit!" simon yells. vik complies; he turns on the cars ignition and off they go...

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