17: just pretending pt. 2

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"oh my god, hi. it's lovely to meet you!" freya greets ashlee at the top of the stairs with a wide smile. "h-hi." ashlee stutters, not expecting to see freya right in front of her. "introduce us to each other then simon." freya says, turning her attention onto him. simon nods, "so, freya, this is ashlee. ashlee, this is freya." simon says, introducing the two girls to one another.

"ashlee, what a lovely name." freya smiles warmly. "thank you." ashlee nods with a smile. "and i just have to say, you two are such a lovely couple." freya says, admiring the two. "haha, thanks." ashlee laughs. simon just stands there smiling.

"well, come on simon, introduce her to the guys." freya says as she begins walking back towards josh's room. "well, where are they?" simon asks. "josh's room. they're watching something." freya says before walking off into josh's room.

"how many people are we talking?" ashlee asks as the pair slowly make their way towards josh's room. "well, if everyone is here, then six guys with the possibility of a few more girls," simon says with a sigh, "why?" he asks. "well, i kinda hate meeting big groups of people." ashlee admits. "why?" simon asks. "i dunno really. i think it's because i feel awkward." she shrugs. "you'll be fine. i promise you, you won't feel awkward around them." simon reassures her. ashlee nods, "okay."

they then make their way into josh's room...

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