12: essays, messages & the future

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time skip: afternoon

daddy si: morning darling. i hope you slept well last night. i sure as hell did ;)

princess is typing...

princess: firstly, it's the afternoon, and secondly, yes i slept well :) glad you did too.

daddy si: good :) [read at 1:10 pm]

. . .

daddy si: this isn't like you. why aren't you answering?

princess is typing...

princess: i'm busy, sorry.

daddy si: doing?

princess: an essay for uni

daddy si: oh, fair enough.

daddy si is typing...

daddy si: i shall annoy you later then :) [read at 1:40 pm]

. . .

princess is typing...

princess: right. done. you may now annoy me :)

daddy si is typing...

daddy si: finally! :D

princess: haha :')

princess is typing...

princess: what have you been doing then whilst i was busy? :)

daddy si: i'll be blunt and honest,

daddy si is typing...

daddy si: masturbating :)

princess: lovely...

daddy si: you asked?!

princess: wished i didn't now...

daddy si is typing...

daddy si: you should've expected that answer though surely

princess: true :)

princess is typing...

princess: moving on... i need some advice

daddy si: what's wrong love?

princess is typing...

princess: you see, i don't know if i wanna stay in uni or not. like, i've always wanted to be a lawyer, or someone that makes quite a bit of money, but i didn't realize it'd be this hard. you know? like, so i'm thinking of dropping out, but i don't know. i've asked my friends and family and they've told me to stay in uni, but i'm not sure. any advice?

daddy si is typing...

daddy si: i say, do what you want to do. it's your life and your choice, not theirs or mine. if you wanna drop out, then that's fine. you know i'll help you out :)

daddy si is typing...

daddy si: so do what you wanna do love. :)

princess is typing...

princess: you're right. :)

princess is typing...

princess: what i'm gonna do is stay in uni a little longer just to see if i change my mind or not. if not, i will drop out. if i do, then i'll obviously stay :) and thanks for the offer of helping me. i appreciate it a lot, love :)

daddy si: anything for you, my love :)

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