O7: evening breeze & traffic talk

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simon: how was uni, dear?

ashlee: boring, as usual :/

ashlee: how was your day?

simon: awe, bless. and, my day's been good thanks :)

ashlee: awe, good :)

simon: aren't you supposed to be going to a party now?

ashlee: i'm driving there now :)

ashlee: see

simon: stay safe dear

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simon: stay safe dear. don't keep driving or messaging me whilst driving. you'll crash.

ashlee: haha, i won't, don't worry. :)

ashlee: and besides, i'm stuck in traffic so i can dance and message you as much as i want to atm :)

simon: fair enough :) i'm not complaining.

ashlee: haha, true

simon: why aren't you wearing any of the dresses i gave you?

ashlee: i'm getting changed there. i've brought one of them with me. don't panic :)

simon: ah, fair enough.

ashlee: i'm getting changed there as i have plenty of time. the party doesn't start 'til 9 and it's only 5.

simon: why're you getting there so early?

ashlee: i'm helping my friend to make sure we've got everything :)

simon: oh. :)

simon is typing...

simon: are you also doing your makeup there?

ashlee: yeah. and i'm doing my friends makeup :)

simon: awe, that's nice :)

simon sent you: £1,000

simon: go ham and buy a fuck ton of food and drinks :)

ashlee: haha, will do! :)

simon: or treat yourself to some new clothes, or whatever you want, dear. :)

ashlee: oo, i might do that instead, haha ;)

simon: haha, thought you would ;)

ashlee: yeah, haha

ashlee: what should i buy though? i mean, i have sooo many new clothes and accessories, it's unreal :)

simon: whatever you want, my love :) it's your money now, what you do with it is completely your choice :)

ashlee: i could save it and go on holiday :o

simon: where would you go dear? and besides, i'd happily pay for you to go anywhere in the world :)

ashlee: awe, simon :') you don't have to do that.

ashlee: and i was thinking fiji. i've been there before and it's soo beautiful :)

simon: it's like you then, huh? ;)

ashlee: huh?

simon: beautiful. fiji's allegedly beautiful, and you're beautiful so therefore, you and fiji are alike. :)

ashlee: shut up! :')

ashlee is typing...

ashlee: i'm generally blushing like an idiot now! thanks! :')

simon: hahaha, you're welcome love :)

ashlee: people in other cars are staring at me...

ashlee: probably because i'm smiling at my crotch and blushing.

simon: hahaha :)

ashlee is typing...

ashlee: oh yeah, i showed my friends the video of you, and they think you're, and i quote: "peng." "attractive." "beautiful." and "handsome as fuck." :')

simon is typing...

simon: hahaha. bless them :)

simon is typing...

simon: well, you can tell them that i said thank you, and that i'm sorry for not wanting to be their "sugar daddy" or anything like that :)

ashlee: haha, okay. will do :)

simon: good :)

ashlee is typing...

ashlee: right, gotta go. traffic is clearing now. but, send me another video of yourself so i can pretend to my ex who's unfortunately gonna be at the party that i have a new boyfriend :)

simon: haha, of course my love :)

simon: here you go, dear :)

simon: here you go, dear :)

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ashlee: thanks love :)

simon: you're welcome, dear :)

ashlee read at 5:25 pm.

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