Chapter 49

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     "Have fun at dress rehearsals," I kiss Michael on the cheek. He smiles before hugging me from the side.

     "Have fun at with your interviews. Keep your calm and don't kill anyone," he jokes.

     "Are you okay with not rapping this week?" I ask, and he nods. This week is break up week, and Relentless, Michael's group, is singing "Since You've Been Gone." There's no rap in there.

     "I'd prefer to rap, but I'll survive," he hums. I laugh before quickly kissing him again.

     "I love you," I coo, intertwining our hands.

     "I love you too."


     "It's an honor to have you back in our studio. You came here a couple of times last year," the interviewer addresses me. I smile and nod.

     "It's an honor to be back here," my eyes scan around the room in attempt to remember being here, but I can't.

     "I've heard you're nominated for the artist of the year award again at the AMAs," the lady tells me, and I nod rapidly.

     "Yeah. I hope we can pull through once again," I admit. Ever since I was sixteen, I've won the artist of the year award. Hopefully, we can keep the streak going. This would be the fourth year.

     "It would be a great way to wrap up this segment of your life. I've heard that your life has been rough lately," her hand rests on my shoulder, confusing me.

     "My life has been great lately. I found a great group of people who I am happy to call some of my closest friends. I've found this sweet little three year old who brightens my day. I'm finally free of my father. I also found a boy who I love dearly. If that isn't good, I don't know what is," I smile, taking the interviewer back in a positive way.

     "Well with all ups come downs. I heard recently something happened. Would you like to tell us about that?" she sticks the mic in my face.

     "Um my boyfriend made this cute fake prom for me which was adorable and by far the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me," I respond, confusing her.

     "I was meaning the whole Disneyland thing. The video went viral, but we don't know what happened. Some people believe he was hitting on you while others believe you were having a sexual interaction before your boyfriend came in and broke it up," she tells me. My eyes widen at the accusations.

     "Well, I was happily on the ride with my boyfriend when it broke down. He feel asleep quickly from what I believed was lack of sleep. Then, the guy next to me started talking to me. It started off normal, but he quickly got weirder. He started flirting with me and touching me. When I asked him to stop, he ended up telling me he drugged Michael's water...," I go on to keep going, but she stops me.

     "Who is Michael?" she questions, and I raise my eyebrows.

     "My boyfriend. Anyways, he drugged Michael's water so he would sleep. He then told me he'd 'been a fan of' me for a while and knew a ton about me. When I tried to get him to stop again, he threatened me with a pocket knife. Afterwards, he...touched me in places I'd prefer he didn't, and I screamed. Michael woke up and the rest is easy to see," I wrap it up, wincing near the end.

    "That must've been something. I heard that you wrote a song with your boyfriend. Is it a love song? A duet?" she hums hopefully.

     "Yes I did write a song with him, but it's neither a duet or a love song. You'll just have to wait to find out," I smirk at the camera.

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