Chapter 40

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      "Will you be my girlfriend?" Dorian asks on national television.

     Shocked is an understatement. I am literally standing on stage paralyzed. How am I supposed to address this? I have around one minute before the show cuts off. Of course I'm going to say no, but how can I present it without letting the world know I have a boyfriend or seeming like a bitch.

     "Dorian...," I start off, and he can obviously tell where this is leading to considering the tone of my voice.

     "Wait. Just let me show you something," he tries to persuade me. He stands closer, taking my hands in his. I slowly try to pull them away. His face starts to lurk closer towards mine, and I know what's about to happen. My hands reach over and stop him.

     "Dorian. I'm flattered, but I just ca...," I lead before he cuts me off. A huff escapes my lips after he cuts me off again.

     "Yes you can. Your deal with yourself doesn't apply anymore since you found out about your mom," he tries to convince me, his eyes pleading. Suddenly, the on air signal goes off, the show is over. Now, I have to address this later on a live.

     "I can't Dorian. You're a really nice guy and a nice friend, but you're 15 right now, and I'm 18. I just can't see it working out," I  try to be as kind as possible, but he still seems hurt.

     "Brynn please. I promise I'll treat you like the princess you deserve to be. I won't let you get hurt. I assure you I can make things work," he pleads, kneeling down in front of me. I look over and notice that along with Michael, Jay, Chance, and Brady are missing, or the only three boys who know about my relationship with Michael. Dorian sees me looking over there, and his expression becomes hard.

      "Oh I know why you won't date me. Because you're slutting around with all of the other guys, and dating me would shut that option down," he accuses me, and my jaw physically drops. 

     "Excuse me, but I would never do that. First of all, a majority of those guys have girlfriends. Second of all, all of these guys deserve better than that. Third of all, that isn't right," I snap back, bring the claws out.

      "Really? Then why do I see you heading into Michael's room every single night?" he ask, frustrating me.

      "Because I got kicked out of my house, and Michael was nice enough to offer a spot for me to stay. His mom is also in there every single night," I defend myself. They start escorting people out of the studio until it is empty besides the boys, architects, and producers.

      "Or do you want to be just like your mother? A teen mom who ends up deserting her child," he snaps, making me completely loose my cool. 

     "See look. 'I promise I'll treat you like the princess you deserve to be.' Look at this Dorian. I sure as hell am not feeling like a princess right now," I spit in his face.

     "Well princess, you just turned down your Prince Charming," he tells me snarkily, making me scoff.

       "Trust me, I've seen Prince Charming, and he's surely not you," I say with rage.

     "Let me guess, it's some pretty boy like Chance, or Michael, or Devin who just step foot in a building and have girls all over them," he accuses spitefully.

      "Dorian just calm down. I said no," I try to recollect myself and tell him calmly, but it only adds.

     "No. I'm not going to stop until you tell me why you won't date me," he tells me, a strong scowl on his face.

     "I already to...," I start before he lets out a laugh.

      "Cut the bullshit," he snaps angrily.

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