Chapter 26

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Isaiah's POV (everyone's favorite)

     He deserved it. Every bone in that little frail body of his deserved it. He was flirting with my girl. MY girl. That is in no way, shape, or form acceptable, so I had to let him know that. He couldn't get away with that. Now, I have to deal with the repercussions of that, starting with the angry girl sitting next to me in the car while driving to the hospital.

     "Why?" she spits bitterly, giving me a look of pure disgust.

     "He was flirting with my girl. I couldn't have that," I defend, making her scoff.

     "I'm your girl?" Courtney laughs sarcastically, making me nod.

      "Well I'm sorry to break it to you, but I'm not yours, and I'll never be yours. Considering the situation we're in, I'd expect you to know that," she shakes her head. I'm taken aback.

     "Well to the public...," I start, but she cuts me off.

     "I don't care what we are to the public eye. Just think. What are we actually?" she asks, making me huff.

     "While technically...," I try to think of something, but it fails.

      "Incorrect," she states, making me sigh.

      "A PR," I murmur, and she nods.

       "We are not in a relationship Isaiah," she reminds me, making me sigh. As if I didn't already know that.

      "You know when you told me you finally found someone you had actual feelings for?" I ask, making her nod.

      "I trusted you with that information," she says sadly, making me sigh.

     "I realized I found someone that day also," I start to lean in slowly, confusing her.

     "And who was that?" her voice starts to quiver, causing me to smirk. My face inches towards hers.

      "You," I breath, going in to connect our lips. Suddenly, I feel a sharp pain across my cheek, causing me to jolt back.

      "There's no way I'm letting you lay a hand on me after what you did to Brady," she spits venom, my hand copying what hers just did and slapping her across the face.

     "There's no way I'm letting you talk to me like that," I mock her, making her scoff.

     "Why? Why did you do it? You didn't need to beat him up. You know I like him," she repels, glaring at me as if I just kicked a puppy.

      "That's exactly why I had to! It sucks to know that the girl you adore doesn't like you, but what sucks even more is when you see her with the guy she does adore," I defend myself, making her shake her head.

     "That doesn't make what you did any better! You physically hurt him," she retorts, fuming.

     "But baby..." I attempt to calm her down, but she's not taking it.

     "I am putting an end to this PR immediately," she informs me, making my heart drop. She wouldn't. She couldn't.

      "You wouldn't dare. They won't let you," I smirk, but she shrugs.

      "After this, they will. This will be all over the internet, and it will be plastered on every gossip website. The band will be criticized to such a high extent that it would be negative publicity," she tells me before hopping out of the car. We pulled up to a big hospital building, confusing me.

      "Why are we here?" I question her, but she's already walking into the building. I run over next to her before asking the question again.

      "Well, I am here to visit Brady, while you are here to apologize," she informs me, making my eyes widen. 

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