Chapter 24

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     We finally show up to the location of the meet and greet, the anxiety burning through my chest. I now have 3 goals for tonight.

     1: Meet as many fans as possible

     2: put on some kick ass show

     3: avoid Michael

       It can't be that hard to do. 

     "That's weird," Chance announces when he looks down at his phone. I raise my eyebrows.

       "What's wrong?" I ask, and he turns his phone. There, on a group chat with 17 people, is the video of me freaking out over Michael. Oh god.

     "I got this text," he responds, making me panic. Although Michael already has it, I don't need the other boys to have it also.

     "Who is on the chat?" I ask anxiously as the van parks.

     "Drew, Marcus, Sergio, Jay, Cameron, Devin, me, Brady, Jaden, Cam, Jon, both Andrews, Gavin, Dorian, Miles, and Mikey," he tells me, creating a wave of confusion to come over me. Cam didn't send it to anyone, and the only other person who has the video is Michael, but he isn't even on the chat.

     The boys hop out of the van first, and I have to wait about five minutes until I get out to avoid people associating us together. Chance automatically finds Devin, and the two of them go off to hang out. Both of the Andrews walk off together, ironically. Cameron runs up to this beautiful girl with long brown hair and brown eyes. He picks her up in his arms and gives her a tight embrace, making me sigh. No matter how much I am being swayed to be in a relationship, I made a promise and I intend to keep it. I aspire to have something like Cameron and his girlfriend have, but I won't be able to bring myself to break that promise I made to my mother. 

     I promised her that the day I met someone I liked, she could meet them. She could've had that cliche parent moment where the parents judge the boy, but sadly it can't happen. It's not my fault all of this happened. I wasn't the one who made my dad cheat on my mom. I wasn't the one who drank away the pain before deciding to drive. I wasn't the one who drove their car right into a ditch because their senses were numb. I didn't get to decide what happened, but I know hold myself to these rules I have to follow in order to keep a promise to my mother. I promised her she would be there if I got married. I promised her so much.

     Suddenly, I spot Sergio totally flirting with this girl who looks super familiar, and the girl's friend is standing next to them looking around. Brady sneaks up behind the girl and hugs her from behind, making her jump but laugh afterwards. She hugs him back, and the four of them walk away. I don't even know what happened to Cam, but I can't see him anymore.

     "Are you ready to go Ms. Williams?" one of my security guards asks me. I quickly nod, and he escorts me out of the van. When I emerge, you can hear ear shattering screams, and people start to try to rush towards me. The guards hold them off though, and they lead me to this section that is gated off by red velvet ropes. Someone walks up to me and tries to explain something to me, but I can't really hear it because of all of he noise. Suddenly, a large ringing sound goes off, silencing everyone.

     "Hello everyone, and welcome to the Brynn Williams meet and greet. The meet and greet, as most of you know, is from 3 to 7, and she will play a set from 7:30 to 8:15. You guys must stay quiet so we can hear the people around us. Don't push, fight, or shove others to try to get further in line. It won't help you. Now, enjoy," my head publicity manager announces before she walks away, the bun in her hair kept back tight. 

     They send a group of about five girls over to me, and they are freaking out. Three of them are crying, which warms my heart.

     "Hi guys. How are you guys doing today?" I ask with a huge smile on my face. 

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