Chapter 1

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      My fingers dance across the screen as I attempt to write a new song. 

     "I was made for loving you," I sing before groaning.  That's one of the oldest lines in the book. This would be a lot easier if I had ever actually had a relationship, but that would never happen. Let's just say I don't like to talk to anyone who isn't my brother or my two friends, who don't even live near me.  I throw the piece of paper at the wall and pull at the roots of my hair. This is impossible.

     "I hate this," I sigh, laying my head on the desk top. My brown hair falls in front of my face, and I blow it away. That process is repeated multiple times until I have enough and throw it into a messy bun. I sit at my desk for another twenty minutes before I determine that nothing good is going to happen. My hand reaches for my phone, and I FaceTime one of my only friends. When his smile pops up on my screen I already feel myself smiling.

     "Hey Brynn," he smiles, waving at the screen.

     "Hi Devin. I have literally no inspiration," I flop on my bed, him knowing what I mean. This happens every time I try to write, which is pretty frequently.

     "How dare you face time Brynn  when I'm in the bathroom," my best female friend teases her boyfriend as she comes into the frame.

     "Hey Hannah," I greet, waving.

     "Sorry babe," Devin coos, kissing her temple. I stick my tongue out in fake disgust, while I actually envy this. My dream is to have someone who treats me like Devin treats Hannah, but that's not going to happen. I've never found anyone I actually like, even through social media and stuff. Even if I did, I wouldn't actually want to start a relationship.

     "You know my view on things like this," I frown, and they both shake their heads.

     "You can't go your whole life without a boyfriend," Hannah pushes, but I shake my head. I made a promise to myself, and I'm not giving up on it quite yet.

     "Yes I can," I sass, and they both laugh. A loud banging sound is heard on the other side of the door, making me groan.

     "We see that you have to go, but we will find you a boyfriend that you just can't say no to," Devin smirks before disconnecting the call. I can't even with those two. When Devin took Hannah out here, they saw me, and Hannah wanted my autograph. I gave her it, and the three of us have been friends ever since.

     The devil herself walks into the room with a hand on her hip. Oh god.

     "Your father wants you," she snaps, walking out. If she's going to be a slut, she might as well try to be nice to her step children to make up for it. I walk through our huge house until I reach a wooden door with detailed bears carved along the doorway. When I was little, I used to think k the bears were magical, but now they are the opposite. I quickly shuffle into the room of the man I hate calling my father.

     "You're a teenage girl," he states. I roll my eyes and cross my arms.

     "What do you want?" I huff, making him frown.

      "Why isn't Power Jets doing well?" he asks, referring to the lame boy band that his record label signed. They are a ton of fourty year old guys who just started up recently. 

     "The target audience of your band is 13 to 19 year old girls. They don't want to listen to some forty year old men dance around in tight suits," I sass him. If it wasn't already easy to tell, I hate him with a passion for valid reasons.

     "But you listen to their music," he defends the band, making me roll my eyes.

     "The girls only care about the pretty faces," I smirk, leaning back. I'm just speaking the truth, and my dad looks pissed.

     "That's not true," he says, and I chuckle.

     "But it is," I make a snarky comment, making myself laugh.

     "You wanna bet?" he asks, cracking his knuckles. There's nothing to loose, so why not? I smile and nod.

     "It's on," I smirk with sass. There is no way this could backfire since the society bases so much in looked now.

     "I will prove to you that boy bands aren't just pretty faces."

     A/N: I'm going to start putting the pictures in the chapters since it's easier

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     A/N: I'm going to start putting the pictures in the chapters since it's easier.

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