Chapter 22

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?'s POV

     If there is anything I hate more than annoying, cringey pop songs, it's being forced to go to events. I mean come on, it's not like I want to be at a meet and greet for "the biggest star of this decade." In all honesty, I'd prefer to be anywhere but here. 

     I'm here alone, since the crowd here wouldn't really notice me. I'm more lurking in the shadows, waiting for someone to notice me. Suddenly, a group of teenagers comes strolling past. 

     The first one is tall, towering over the rest. He is wearing a sweatshirt with some random brand on it. His face resembles one of a bunny with him throwing in some random nose twitch. He is wearing some fake gold which accents his dirty blonde hair and light complexion.

     Next to him is a girl who looks like she is having the time of her life. She is talking nonstop to the other guy, who is nodding and smiling. 

     The other boy is general height  for a teenage boy. His hair dark hair is standing straight up, giving him the illusion of a couple more inches. He is also wearing fake gold and a sweatshirt along with a pair of black jeans. 

     Lastly, there is a girl attempting to latch herself to the side of the second boy,  but he is obviously trying to pry her off. 

     "You're 14!" the first girl yells at one of the boys in awe. He nods.

     "Yep. I grew early," he announces, and the other girl looks at him.

      "Obviously," the second girl gestures towards him, making the first boy laugh. He then nudges the second boy.

     "Get off your phone Michael," he nudges the second boy, making him groan.

     "But I am in the middle of an in depth conversation," the second boy deadpans, making the first one groan.

      "I know for a fact that the person you are texting is already here," the first boy announces, making the second one roll his eyes.

     "They staggered the vans, so her van would go last. It doesn't leave for another five minutes," he frowns, making the other boy huff.

     "Then I am taking your phone," the first girl announces, ripping the phone out of his hand and giving it to the tall boy. He sits on the phone, making the first boy groan.

     "Alexa," the boy without a phone groans, and the girl shrugs.

     "Too bad so sad," she sticks her tongue out, making the boy roll his eyes.

     "I'll give you back your phone if you tell me who you were texting," the second girl suggests, making the boy look down. The first guy turns off the ringer of the second boy's phone, frustrating him even more. The four of them continue on with some banter before they walk away completely forgetting the phone. 

     Me, being the good citizen I am, go over to grab the phone and give it back to him. I pick up the phone and click the home button, revealing a picture of the brown haired boy, who I believe is  named Michael, and a younger boy, who I am assuming is his brother. I want to give him back his phone,  but I don't know where he went. Suddenly, I see a shorter boy with a tooth gap walking past who looks like he would know the other boy.

      "Excuse me, do you know who's phone this is?" I ask the boy, and his eyes widen. 

     "Yeah, this is my friend's," he answer, and I smile, my prediction being right.

     "Well here you go," I hand it to him, and he opens the phone, revealing a picture of both of the boys who were over here and whatever girl the meet and greet was for.  He changes the screen faster than I can analyze it though, clicking on a video.

     "One of our other friends sent this to him," he explains before the video loads. There the girl sitting in a car with the camera on her, but not anywhere else.

       "Wait, doesn't Michael have a girlfriend?" someone asks, making Michael's friend gape in shock. The girl begins to looks sick, her face retreating into a light shade of pale.

     "Yeah, he was telling me about her the other day," a new boy responds, and the girl starts to freak out. Her breathing becomes unheavy, and I'm surprised she didn't explode.

     "I remember that. He talked about how he feel for her right when he met her and that they've been inseparable since then," a new voice announces, and the tears start to prickle in her eyes. They gloss over, and I know she is ready to burst.  A tear slips through her eyes, but she tries to hide it quickly. The video ends, and the boy next to me seems in shock. His eyes are wide.

     "B-but I like that girl," he frowns, making me frown. I hate that this guy has to be sad over a trashy pop star.

     "You'll win her over. You seem cooler than that other guy. He seems arrogant and incompetent," I inform him, bringing a small smile to his face. For some reason, that guy seems familiar. I don't know how I've seen him, but I have.

     "I have to share this video to the rest of my friends," he admits, quickly sending the video to him.

     "Delete it off of this phone," I warn him, and he quickly does it. He smiles up at me.

     "Thank you. I'm Dorian," he smiles, even though there is not going to be a friendship between the two of us.

     "You wish you knew my name," I sass before walking off.

     "You wish you knew my name," I sass before walking off

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Sorry guys this was total trash. I noticed it was 11:55 and I didn't start writing so here ya go. I apologize, but who do you guys think the person is.

Edit: I'm that idiot who names the chapter chapter 2 instead of chapter 22 cause I'm smart 

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