Chapter 27

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(Back to the Brynn and Michael show👍🏻)

     "He can't make you guys leave!" I pout as Devin and Michael pack up their bags. My dad is making all of the boys live in a hotel, which I don't understand but okay. That's not even the worst part. Since there are "changes in plans"  I'm not allowed to talk to the boys anymore unless it's professionally. 

     He completely changed what the boys are doing and ditched the whole reason he was doing this for easy money. Instead of proving boy bands aren't just about pretty faces, he's creating a television show where America votes on what five of these boys they want in their next boy band. The only good thing is that I'm going to be the host, so I'll still be able to talk to them sometimes.

     "Your dad told us that if we didn't leave ourselves, he'd move us all the way back to our hometowns," Devin frowns. Both of them have been really on edge since they found it they were competing.

     "Why are you two so nervous?" I ask them.

     "Some of the guys here are amazing vocalists, and then there's me. My vocals are crap in comparison," Devin frowns, making me frown.

     "And I'm a rapper who hasn't sung before trying out this song. There's no way America would want that," Michael tells me, and I shake my head.

     "You'll both do great. I believe in you guys," I try to motivate them, but they still seem off.

     "Devin get out here and leave Brichael alone," Chance yells, and Devin see,s confused.

     "But Brichael is Brady and Michael, but Brady isn't here," he blurts, but a look of realization comes across him before he leaves the room and shuts the door.

     "I hate my dad," I grumble. Michael laughs as he drops one more sweatshirt into his bag.

     "And why is that?" he asks, zipping up his suitcases before dropping it on the ground and sitting on the bed. I sit down next to him and lean onto his shoulder.

     "He's making you move out, and he's cutting off all contact between us," I groan, already dispising not being able to talk to him or any of the boys. They've become such a heavy part of my life that I don't want to let them go.

     "Wait, he's taking your phone?" he asks, and I nod. His lips meet the top of my head. I smile like an idiot before wrapping my arms around him even tighter.

     "It sucks," I grumble, and he hums in agreement, playing with my hair.

     "Did he take away your laptop?" he asks, and I nod again, making him groan.

     "This isn't fair," he announces, and I nod.

     "I can't contact anyone," my frown takes over the room, leaving a gloomy atmosphere in the room.

     "Do you have any old devices?" he asks. I'm about to say no, but then I remember my dad replaced my laptop two years ago,

     "Yeah. I have a laptop," I smile, and I see a smile start to come on his face.

     "Your dimples are so cute," I laugh, imagining a piece of candy getting placed in one.

     "Your nose is cute. It reminds me of a bunny," he tells me. Out of instinct, I crinkle my nose quickly, and he laughs.

     "Excuse me! You have such a boopy nose," I tell him, and he laughs. I make a point to boop his nose. He crinkles his nose after I boop it, looking completely adorable. Suddenly, Cam walks into the room, but I don't move.

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