Chapter 5

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    "Okay Michael, let's go find Devin," I say, exaggerating the word Michael. We start to wander the halls in silence, and it's about five minutes until I groan.

      "Devin was standing right here when I last saw him!" I yell, pointing to the ground.

      "He probably left to find you," Michael suggest, his voice sending shivers down my spine.

     "Y-yeah," I stutter.Wow, I'm slick.

      "You are pretty slick," he laughs, and I feel my cheeks heat up. Oh god did I say that out loud?

     "You did, and you said that out loud," he informs me, and my eyes widen. I need to stop that.

       "I'm sorry. It's just that I don't usually talk to somebody outside of work who isn't family or Devin or Hannah. Do you know who Hannah is? She's Devin's girlfriend, and my female best friend. I say female because I can't chose between Hannah and Devin. They are both such great people...," I start to ramble really quickly before someone's voice interrupts me.

     "If you tell her to shut up she'll chill," Devin laughs, making me stop talking.

      "Eh, I was fine," Michael responds, vigorously tapping his phone.

    "What are you playing?" Devin asks, attempting to look at Michael's phone.

     "Space frontier," Michael responds in a monotone, hypnotized by the game. They both stare at the screen for a couple of minutes while Michael does whatever you do in that game.

     "Wait, you didn't tell Brynnie why you are here did you?" Devin questions, using that obnoxious nick name he's come up with for me.

      "Nah, I came up to find you, but I ran into her," he responds sliding his phone into his pocket. 

     "And she didn't question you at all? Who wouldn't question a stranger walking throughout their house?" Devin asks, and I mentally face palm. How could I just let someone wander through my house if I didn't know them. Oh right, I was hypnotized by his dazzling eyes and boopy nose. (A/N: he does have a boopy nose) Michael shakes his head, and Devin looks at me.

     "Would you like to elaborate?" Devin puts me on the spot. Damn it, he knows I can't be put on the spot. First of all, I'm not a good liar to people I care about, and I fail under pressure like this.

     "Ummm... no," I decide, standing up. Devin gives me one of those "you'll explain this later looks" and starts to lead the way. 

     "That's the wrong way," Michael informs him with a yawn, his nose crinkling ever so slightly, and Devin raises an eyebrow.

     "How would you know? Today is your first day being in this house," Devin answers like the smart ass he is, and Michael shrugs. 

      "I just have a feeling," he responds, paying more attention to the pictures on the walls than Devin.

     "Y-you guys should do a race to see who gets there first," I chip in quietly, and Devin notices who nervous I am, so he smirks straight at me.

     "I'm down. I'll take Brynn with me," he tells Michael, grabbing my arm and bolting down the hall.

     "What was that for!?!" I ask defensively, rubbing my arm that he just pulled.

      "Your brother told me to keep you away from the rest of the guys, but I don't care about that," he tells me with a playful smile. "I want you to spill some tea." He pretends to sip on some tea while turning down a hallway,

     "There is no tea to spill," I defend, crossing my arms. 

     "Tell that to the sweat marks under your arms," he laughs, pointing to my armpits. The shirt is drenched right there, and my eyes widen.

     "It's hot in here," I try to dismiss.

     "Is that why you're stuttering, especially when hotty-mc-hot-face is around?" Devin laughs, making me pout.

    "Am not," I defend quickly, crossing my arms over my chest.

     "So you're telling me that you've been acting the same around both him and me?" Devin asks, and I know for a fact that's a lie.

     "I'm just comfortable with you," I make up an excuse. There is no way I'd act differently for a boy. I am just my plain self.

    "Don't worry, even though I've only seen it for like 10 seconds, it's my OTP," Devin informs me, taking another turn. The hall we walk into is the same in we started in, oh great.

      "You fail at this Dev," I laugh, and he gently nudges my side.

     "Do not," he says like a little child.

     "Do too!" I retort. My feet start to take me down the hallway Michael went down, and Devin runs to catch up with me, which doesn't take that long thanks to his spider legs.

     "Where are you going?" he asks.

     "Downstairs obviously," I roll my eyes before he groans. As I finish getting out of the hall, I see Michael sitting by the stairs.

      "Gosh, you won," Devin grumbles, making Michael lightly laugh.

      "Oh Brynn, can I get a picture with you to show my sisters? They love you," he asks. I wish you loved me also. Wow, my brain needs to SLOW DOWN.

     "O-of course," I mutter awkwardly, bringing a smile to Dev's face. I lean over to take the picture, but fail and fall down straight on him. I fall in his lap, causing me to laugh awkwardly.  He looks straight at me, and a small smile creep on both of our faces. Devin starts randomly taking pictures of us, up until Michael's phone rings. He does a dramatic eye roll before picking it up.

     "Yes Erica?" he asks, and I feel something in the pit of my stomach. I'm still awkwardly sitting on his lap, and Devin's smirking.

      "Don't actually tell her. Say I got an internship up here. We can Peter Parker this," he tells her quickly.  The girl says something else before he rolls his eyes. 

      "Little siblings sometimes," he comments, and my eyes widen. That was his sister, not his girlfriend. I awkwardly get off of his lap and stand up.

     "Shall we?"

A/N she's so adorable 

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A/N she's so adorable 

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