Chapter 18

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     "Today in the studio with us we have the one, the only, the magnificent, Brynn Williams," the man on the radio station yells into the mic, making me wince. I've never been good with loud sounds, which has been a problem since the music needs to blare to be heard throughout the arena.

     "How are you doing today Brynn?" the woman next to him asks in a softer, quieter tone. I keep my composure, having this happen to me several times before.

     "Great because I'm here," I laugh, when it was the exact opposite. It's been a week since I've met most of those 18 boys, and I've grown rather close to some of them. It sucks because we work on different schedules, so I barely get to see them. This morning, however, was just terrible. 

     I've gotten into a routine of eating breakfast with the boys at around eight o'clock before heading off, but today, I slept in. My step mom came in at me and screamed at me for sleeping in late, telling me that I was already so behind. After her ten minutes of screaming, which was just preventing me from actually getting ready, I saw a text from Michael that they missed me at breakfast and that they already left.

     When I was trying to get ready, my curling iron singed some of my hair, and the sweater I was planning on wearing got shrunk in the washer. So in all, my morning was just dandy.

    "That's good. I heard your dad has picked up a new project that we don't know the details of. Any comments on that?" the man gets straight to the point, making me internally roll my eyes.

     "The people he is working with are a joy to be around. I'm so happy I've met them," I answer generically, and he frowns, wanting some inside details. The woman clears her throat, tapping her pile of papers on the counter.

     "So, I've heard rumors of a boyfriend," the woman brings up, causing me to choke on the water I was drinking.

     "Where did you hear that? I've never had a boyfriend, and I don't plan on getting one any time soon," I reply, even though a weird feeling erupts in my stomach. Lies. It's scary to me that my thoughts would sway so quickly. One week, I am 100% against having a boyfriend, and now I'm feeling guilty for saying it. What's next?

     "Are you sure? Cause I think you're lying," the man accuses me, and I physically roll my eyes. 

     "I honestly don't. Whatever you saw was probably an edit or a misunderstanding," I defend myself, and my phone starts to go off. I look down and see Michael's name pop up on my screen. I sigh, really wanting to look at the message. Instead of waiting, I decide to open it up where they can't see it.

Michael😉🎻: do you want anything from McDonalds I'm  going there and I thought I should get you something since you couldn't eat with us this morning

     A wide smile spreads across my face, my cheeks becoming flushed. One of the interviewers looks at my puzzled, but I only now shrug back.

Me: aww thanks can I have a six piece chicken nugget kid's meal with extra fries instead of some healthy alternative 

Michael😉🎻: okay, I'm going to bring it back to your house for you to have when you're ready

     "Excuse me Ms. Williams, but we should keep this going," the interviewer snappily informs me. I glare at her before sending one more text.

    "Who were you texting?" the man says, but it comes out as a roar. I shiver before looking him dead in the eye.

     "One of my friends," I answer blandly, wanting questions about my actual music instead of questions about my social life.

    "What's their name?" the woman tries to dig, and I want to pull my hair out. I've learnt that you have to keep your work life and social life separate. When the world first found out I was friends with Devin and Hannah, they freaked out. They gained thousands of followers and got mobbed wherever they went for a long time. The two of them got pressured to spill on stuff they didn't even know about. It's died down some, but it's still too much for my liking.

     "That's for me to know and for you to find out," I smirk sipping on the water that's in the mug I'm holding. Both interviewers look so done with me that I feel accomplished.

     "Is it your boyfriend?" the woman pushes, making me groan. Can she just drop it? Apparently not.

     "No, since I don't have a boyfriend," I answer, fed up with this whole interview. All these people want to do nowadays is create gossip and drama. They don't care about the physical music you produce. The only thing they want is a "juicy story" that people will listen to.

     "Come on. A beautiful young lady like you must have a love interest," the woman pressures. Well...

     "Can you guys get off my case? I have guys that are my friends but no boyfriend. Deal with it," I sass, sipping on my mug. The woman stands up and pushes her chair in while flailing her arms.

     "I give up! You are the most bratty and difficult person I have ever interviewed! You only sass back when we ask you questions!" she rants, and I laugh, raising my eyebrows.

     "Maybe if you didn't ask me about my love life the whole time we could have gotten something done," I retort with a proud smile playing in my face, the woman slams her hands on the table, but I don't flinch.

     "Well maybe if your mother had taught you manners you wouldn't be so disrespectful! Oh wait, of course your mother didn't cause you're Brynn Williams. She was a dirty rotten bitch who only was in it for the money! Did you not research her? She had several affairs before your father. She would slut around, just like I  suspect you do!" she yells, and the tears start to brim the corners of my eyes until the dam keeping them back breaks, turning me into a hiccuping mess. How dare she speak of my mother like that. It's a sensitive topic, and she goes in and does that. I stand up out of my seat and look her dead in the eye.

     "You are a disgusting excuse for a human being," I spit with venom before sobbing my way out of the room. I grab my phone and call one of the only people I want to be around right now. It rings multiple times before they pick up.


     I was amazed by your reactions to there being requests to be in the story

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     I was amazed by your reactions to there being requests to be in the story. Lots of people requested, but sadly most of the spots were taken that people wanted. Before making that comment, Michael, Brady, Drew, Marcus, Jay, Sergio, and Devin were all taken either by some of my close internet friends, people who asked, or my own characters. Now, there are only a couple of boys left.

     If you want any if these boys, comment on their name a general description of your personality, looks, age, and name.


     Andrew Bloom

     Andrew Butcher





     I'm going to post a list of all of the people who are going to be in the story so you guys can follow them.

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