Chapter 46

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Chapter 46

Roan sat at the dining table with Drew, Liam and Jake sat around her and Lewis Aimee, Robin, Will and Alex surrounding them.

"Hazel and Darren will be recruiting." Roan said. "We need a plan and more people."

"I agree, but where are we going to get them from?" Alex asked.

"Well we can't ask all those people thought fought with us last week. We need new recruits ourselves." Jake said.

"What about my mum?" Drew asked.

"Stella wouldn't help Drew." Robin said.

"I am not speaking to her after what she did." Roan said.

"But it's the best we have." Aimee said.


"Roan, if we can persuade her, this could all be over." Liam said. She put her head in her hands.

"Fine, but I'm not coming." She then got up and left even though the meeting wasn't over. Robin and Aimee looked down.

"To be honest I don't really fancy it either. That woman is mental." Alex said. "Roan was in bad shape."

"I know. The state she came home in." Jake said.

"Yeah it was rough." Alex said.

"Did she do that to you?" Liam asked. Alex shook his head.

"No but I was training practise. That wasn't pleasant either."

"Bet it wasn't." Lewis said.

"Look I'll go see to her." Liam got up and ran from the room. He felt a draft and knew she must have gone outside. He went out and found the gates wide open and Roan staring over the town. He slid his arm round her waist and she put her head on his shoulder.

"It scares me Liam." She said.

"I know, but we have to face our fears sometimes. I want you with me Roan." He said. "I love you and I wouldn't let anything ever happen to you like that again." He said.

"Do you mean that?" She asked putting her arms round his neck.

"Of course I do. I wouldn't have taken that knife for you for nothing. There is a reason for everything. I can't focus on anything because I am too busy thinking about you." He said. Roan smiled, tears in her eyes.

"I love you too." She said. Liam smiled and he leant down and their lips met. Roan felt as if she was lying on a soft cloud and sinking into it. Melting.

When they got back inside they instantly started getting prepared.

"Right, Robin, Roan, Aimee, Jake ,Will, Drew and Alex all hold hands in a line. Roan you on one end and Drew on the other. Your getting us there. The rest of you, stay put and wait for when we come back. We could be a few hours or possibly less." Liam ordered.

"They'll all be at the original headquarters. We were in charge of the new place." Robin said. Liam nodded.

"Ok we had best get going then."

Everyone nodded and everyone going grabbed onto someone. Roan and Drew then clicked their fingers at the exact same time and they all disappeared. They all reappeared outside the gates of the building.

"We are going to have to get in somehow." Liam said.

"Will give me a boost up." Roan demanded. He squatted against the wall and put his hands together. Roan put her foot in his hand and she bounced a couple of times before hoisting herself onto the brick wall. She jumped over the other side. Everyone waited and from her side she opened the gate a very small amount. Everyone squeezed through and Roan shut it quietly. They all kept to the shadows as they went up the gravel driveway. When they got closer Robin and Will went to the front door. Two Hunter's were up there guarding the door. The boys took them out and the Hunter's were out cold. Will beckoned them over and they all came to the front door.

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