Chapter 42

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Chapter 42

There were eight people, out of twelve, in her group that could fly. There was a four meter wall around the castle that they all could easily clear. When they got to the top they transformed back into human form and let down ropes. Roan and three others held on the four ropes and waited for the boys to drop down on the other side. When the ropes was tugged three times one after the other, the boys were safely down the other side and Roan began to climb her rope and the others followed her example. When they were all down the other side, Liam and Hazel's group were also over the wall. Eight birds took off to the roof of the castle and guards around the wall were starting to notice a disturbance. The sky was dark and it was hard to see. Breathing Spirits were beginning to turn to dust as soon as swords struck them. Roan got out her sword and fought off some of the guards and Sam and Drew got her back, while the others silently assassinated the others. Soon all three groups had killed them all off and they were going to have to get inside. Unfortunately, they had all created a massive racket and they had to act quickly. Some went off to get the huge gate open and the others headed for the building, but guards were coming out and beginning to attack. Everyone had got there, but fights were beginning and Roan still had to get herself into the castle. So did Liam and Darren, who was getting closer to Roan's side. They tried to fight off all these guards and some of the government were coming outside and also fighting. Roan knew there were others cowering inside unsure what to do. She didn't care.

"We have to get inside." Roan said to Darren.

"I know, lets find Liam and we will make a quick plan, seeing as this one backfired slightly." Darren said. Roan nodded and they went through trying to find Liam. It didn't take long to catch him and he was fighting two guards at once. Roan stabbed one in the back and Liam killed the other.

"Thanks." He said. Roan nodded and Darren began to speak.

"The plan backfired, we were too loud." He said. Roan struck out her sword and Liam threw a knife.

"I think the best way is turn into animals. We can't use the click trick to get inside, it wont work." Liam said.

"Animals then." Roan said. They all then shut their eyes and transformed. They bounded through the fighters, dodging flying missiles and the tips of swords and arrows. They eventually got to the front door unharmed and slipped through the door.

There was a glowing light inside and it looked very old fashioned and grand inside. Guards were running towards them and Roan lashed out with her swords; knives flew passed her ear from Liam's direction and the clashing of swords echoed. Roan heard a scream then felt pain rush up her arm and realised the scream was from her. She stuck the sword through the chest of the guard and looked at her forearm. A lovely bloody gash had come up and she pushed back hot tears and Lam rushed to her side.

"You ok?" He asked.

"Don't fuss. Let's just find my parents." She said. Liam nodded and all three of them headed downstairs as that was the most likely place for them to be. Guards were still heading towards them like a herd of sheep, one after the other. They were all using their weapons, but because they were on a spiral staircase Darren had an idea. Being at the front he kicked the guard in front of him hard in the chest. It knocked the air out of him and he fell back and like dominoes they all rolled down the stairs and landed on a heap at the bottom.

"Nice work." Liam said giving Darren a pat on the shoulder. Darren just smiled to himself and they made sure all the guards were completely knocked out before heading down a narrow tunnel. It was damp and dark with only a few flaming torches for a source of light. Darren was at the front and Liam was at the back, so Roan felt safe where she was. They quietly moved down the corridor and they heard the occasional dripping but nothing else. They then came to heavy looking door with a wooden bar across it. Darren and Liam lifted it off carefully and dropped it onto the floor. They then tugged on the handles, but it would budge.

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