Chapter 46: Not Exactly The Super Villains

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As soon as the door to the hospital wing closed behind me I nearly collapsed with relief.

She didn't know.

I spent a few moments gulping in the air and then shook my hands out. I was in the clear. Hopefully everyone was now in position. If they weren't... Then I was all out of ideas.

A small worm of worry made it's way into my mind. If Cole woke up before it was over then we were done. Hopefully he had suffered some memory loss. But it was unlikely that I would be that lucky, I had to be ready for anything.

I tried to make my way through the halls without making any suspicious actions but I couldn't get the thought out of my head that this might be one of the last times I walk these passageways. I rounded the corner and ran face first into Jason.

"Oh I'm sorry my lord." I smoothly recovered and he stared at me, wondering why I was being so cryptic. I gestured with my eyes behind him as another vampire walked around the corner and came towards us.

"Watch where you're going next time. Maybe take the kitchen stairwell?" I heard the hidden message under the suggestion.

"Indeed, I'll go there now." The vampire passed and I delivered the final line. "And can I just say that I'm sorry for what happened to your cousin. Her majesty has been at his bedside for the last hour and doesn't seem to be going anywhere."

Jason's eyes widened and he nodded. "Your sympathies are appreciated. You should be going now."

"Yes sir." As I passed them I felt a buzz of accomplishment.

Kitchen... Where is the kitchen... I jumped down the staircase and to the left. When I came through the door it immediately shut behind me and Bianca stared at me. I nodded and she smiled.

"Here." She passed me a pair of boots and I blinked a few times at her cluelessly.

"If this goes well then you're going to be running through a forest. You've been going around basically barefoot for ages but running through snow?"

I nodded and suddenly the pantry door swung open to reveal four werewolves, all strapping weapons and gear on. Bianca licked her lips nervously and one of the werewolves whispered to her.

"Bianca. I have your sword here."

She nodded, going over and strapping it to her side and I shifted uneasily.

"Hayden... It's Hayden right? Do you have a weapon?"

I shook my head and they looked disappointed. I ignored them. Their discomfort was nothing compared to how I was feeling at the prospect of facing this without a bow. But I couldn't. I would have to rely on my close hand fighting.

"Ok." One of the werewolves, a young guy with purple dyed hair and brown eyes nodded to the group. "Our job is to get into the livingroom, find the button, and get out. We stick together. Ok? When we step out of this room there can be no talking. If you get in trouble then Will here is the medic. Remember his face and try not to fall over."

I nodded along with the rest of them and tried to memorise the guy with long brown hair and nearly black eyes. He looked so young. The other guy who seemed to be taking the role of the nanny of the group gave a tight smile.

"Alright. Let's go."

We crowded in the kitchen and the werewolf named Will held up his hand before creeping out the kitchen door, checking if the cost was clear in the hall outside.

We all held our breath as he did not return for a few seconds and then I was not the only one who jumped as he came back around the corner.

He nodded.

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