Chapter 3: Watchful Eyes

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"You may now begin. Please be sure to write your name at the top of the page and if I catch any of you delinquents cheating I will personally make sure that I have two hours spare after school, left for anyone who dares to test my patience," Ms Ward said, walking around her desk and placing the rest of the papers on a corner, "fifty minutes, starting now."

I picked up my pencil, and twirled it around my fingers nervously. I could hear everyone else scribbling on their work. I leaned over my page trying to concentrate, but everything was so loud in my ears. The words were blurring on the page. I took off my glasses and rubbed my eyes. When I opened them it took me a moment to realize that something was wrong. I looked up at the board and read the instructions. I had to fight to keep myself from gasping.

I could see? I looked around slightly guiltily. I swore I could feel someone watching me. I checked behind me and saw Riley starring at my glasses folded on the desk. " Why are you not wearing them?" She mouthed at me and I shrugged. 

"Don't need them." Her eyebrows shot up and I could tell that she knew something strange was going on.

"Miss, can I go to the bathroom?" I shot up my hand and she wondered over, gesturing for me to lower my voice.

"Why?" She asked.

I rolled my eyes. "To slay the magic dragon." I heard a snort of laughter from the back and Ms Ward barked. "Riley! Detention!"

"Awww miss!" Came the whining reply and I fought the grin forming on my face.

"Go." Ms Ward said, turning away and walking slowly back to her desk. I stood up and walked to the door, pausing to look back at Riley who was gesturing very vividly that if I went anywhere outside that door she was going to commit murder. I left the classroom to the conversation. "Riley, do you really want a Saturday detention?"

"Miss, I've got a rugby game on Saturday." She protested, and Ms Ward smirked. "Talk to someone who cares."

I closed the door behind me, but instead of heading towards the bathrooms I turned and speed walked over to my locker. As I knelt down to undo my lock I had that uncomfortable feeling again, like someone was watching me. I looked out of the corner of my eyes to my left and froze as I saw a figure standing in a shadow across the school. I couldn't see them clearly, but it was obvious that they were staring straight at me. I turned back to my locker at sat there for a few seconds, trying to figure out what was going on. Bite mark, perfect eye sight, strange person that I thought looked slightly like a woman staring at me from across the grounds. I snuck a small peek in the direction that I saw her. She wasn't there. I closed my locker, completely forgetting to get whatever it was that I needed in there in the first place, and stood up. Nearly jogging in the direction of the classroom, I felt strangely vulnerable out in the open.

When I got back to class the test was over and I had probably flopped it so bad mum would ground me for a month. Everyone as back in their original spots, chatting to their friends, saying how they were so happy that it was over. When Riley saw that I was back she stood up and came straight over.

"There was someone here looking for you." She muttered into my ear and when I looked into her eyes she looked murderous.

"Who?" I asked frowning, " I swear I saw someone near the office who was staring at me."

Riley winced. "What are you doing this afternoon, tell me your going straight home?"

"Umm no, I'm going to Angeline's house, why?"

She jumped. "You have to cancel, please."

"Again why? What the hell is going on, can you just tell me instead of staring at me like your picking the best flowers I'd like for my funeral?"

"Hello, this is Bodies 'r' us! You kill 'em, we fill 'em!" A cheerful voice sounded from behind us, I jumped and turned to see Angeline at my shoulder. Riley glowered at her and gestured around her face. "Not amused." 

I cracked up and Angeline gave a smirk. Riley turned away from Angel, scowling, and walked out of the classroom.

"What's her problem. " I wondered.

 Angeline shrugged. "If she wants to tell, she'll tell. Are we pulling another all-nighter?"

I grinned. "There is no way you're going to win again, it's so on."


After school we were getting our books out of our lockers when Riley came over to us. " I need to talk to you, Angeline."

Angeline smirked. "About what?"

Riley sighed, rubbing her forehead. "Don't try to act dumb, " she gestured behind the wall near our lockers, "just two minutes, please."

They both walked away and I sighed.


Immediately after they were out of sight, Riley slammed Angeline into the wall angrily.

"My my, alpha, having anger management issues again are we?"

"Shut up, don't you dare touch Hayden." Riley's voice had taken on a different tone, an angrier, more forceful one.

"oohhh, someone's gotten a little bit attached to a human? Wonderful things they are, very vulnerable"

"She's under my protection.If you go anywhere near her I swear to god I'll-"

"You'll do what? that's right nothing. You couldn't do anything when that girl, what was her name... Alexis? Too bad she found herself in the wrong place at the wrong time." Angeline's voice was calm, and that was what drove Riley to the edge. She punched Angeline in the face, just as Hayden came around the corner.

Angeline fell to the floor as Hayden's voice rang out. "Riley?! what the hell are you doing?!"

Hayden ran up to them both, dropping her bag as she threw herself in front of Angeline.



I pulled Angeline up off the ground, and shoved her behind me. "No Riley, enough. What's come over you today?"

Riley growled and I took a step back despite myself.

"I'm watching you Angeline. " Riley glared at my friend behind me and stalked off back towards the lockers. I grabbed Angeline bag and mine off the ground where I dropped them and put them both on my shoulders.

"Hey, you okay?" As soon as I asked I felt foolish. Of course she wasn't okay, one of her friends had just punched her in the face. I studied the mark that was forming on her cheekbone and heaved the bags. Angeline seemed to just stand there, as if she wasn't sure what to do.

"Come on," I took her by the shoulder and guided her in the direction of the front gate, "when we get to your house we can take care of that."

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