[Chapter 20:] The Reveal

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—— Sans POV ——

I flinched as I heard a child-like scream coming from the enclosed glass doors. It has been a few minutes since Frisk, the flower and whatever that invisible person was had entered the tubes and it was starting to make me a little nervous. I looked up at Tori as she held my hand and squeezed it gently. Although I feel completely dead inside from almost dying I have a little more energy than I usually do. Which is very strange, considering that I'm the laziest monster in the universe.

Suddenly, I heard a low wooshing sound which caused me to look at the strange machine again. White smoke poured out of the parted doors and I almost forgot how to breathe I was so nervous. Frisk, looking completely drained, stepped out of their tube all wobbly like. Alphys ran over to them and rapidly started asking them questions. It all just sounded like gibberish to me.

Suddenly, my jaw dropped as I stared at the next person to step out of the tubes. A small white, goat looking monster with forest green eyes was looking around, both confused and shocked. He looked at his furry hands and smiled.

     "I-I'm a kid again!" He exclaimed, jumping up and down. I looked up at Tori, who appeared to be in tears. She went to run towards him but another thing stopped her. Coming out of the other tube was a face that I never thought that I would see again. A face that I both feared and pitied. Chara.

The short child walked out of their chamber, crossing their arms as they flicked their short, red brown hair over their shoulder. Their pale face was dotted with freckles and their cheeks were fairly pink. The child's auburn eyes darted side to side until they gazed upon their new body. They gasped and fell backwards, almost forgetting how to walk. Suddenly, both children looked up at Tori, who was now in joyful tears.

"Mom!" They both exclaimed, both stumbling on their new legs to get to her. The two broke into tears as they hugged their heart-ached mother, relieved to know that both of her dead children have been reborn. I smiled at the sight; it was heartwarming to see a sight like this happen. Family reunions have always been the best thing to witness because they're so touching and nice.

Tori pulled back, smiling to look back at her children before breaking out into a sudden laugh. Confused, both Asriel and Chara looked at each other.

"Mom what are you laughing at?!" Asriel asked nervously. The beautiful goat stifled a snort and calmed down her laughter.

"I am terribly sorry my children, I cannot help it." She giggled, looking at them both. "This is because both of you do not have clothes on."

Flustered, both children looked down at themselves. Asriel let out a small shriek before covering his exposed area with his hands the best that he could. Chara just stood there, shrugging. Having no genitals, the child really didn't have anything to hide. Giggling, the female goat handed Asriel the brown clothes as I handed Chara theirs. As quickly as he could, the small goat yanked his pants on. Chara didn't seem to give a shit. I stifled a chuckle at this, for I thought that their sarcasm is funny. However there's just something about them that doesn't seem right.. perhaps it's the fact that they still don't have a soul?

Suddenly, Frisk and Alphys came back as the child tackle-hugged their friends. I smiled and watched them as they too, hugged. I looked up at Tori and smiled again. Although I almost died, today has actually been pretty great. I got 9 new hopes, my dad is alive again, and Tori got to see her dead children again. On top of that me and her finally confessed our feelings in the form of a kiss. Also I was informed that Asriel now has an artificial soul and Chara had determination gather in their body in the form of a speck of a soul. I guess that it was enough to allow them to be seen and such.

I looked around at all of the happy faces and smiled to myself.

Wow.. I thought to myself as I grabbed onto the beautiful goat's hand.

This might be the best possible ending.



• END •

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