[Chapter 3:] New Hope

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---- Toriel POV ----


I bit my lip. Ever since we left the underground, I hace been trying to avoid Asgore. I almost regret answering the phone now.

     "H-Hey Tori!" He answered me enthusiastically, probably surprised that I answered. I sighed.

     "..Asgore. Why do you feel the need to call me?" I could see Frisk gasp and mumble something under their breath.

     "Uh.. I just.. wanted to see how you were doing?"

I sighed. "Pleae tell me the truth, Dreemurr."

I could hear shuffling behind the phone. My best guess was that he was scratching his chin or head.

     "I-I just wanted to ask you.. if we could talk tomorrow. Maybe over tea?"

I could picture his phony smile in my head as he said this. I can not believe he's doing this! Thinking that just after time I would forget? I scoffed just thinking about it. Maybe I should go just to tell him how I really feel about him.

     "Fine." I sighed deeply. He sounded surprised to hear me respond. "Where?"

     "Really? You're really consideri-"

     "Do not make me change my mind." I interrupted him. I crossed my arms even though he couldn't see me.

"So.. would tomorrow at Muffet's new place work for you? At one?" He tried again and I sighed once more. 

"Yes. Goodbye Dreemurr." I hung up before he could say anything else,  placing the phone down.

     "Was that Asgore?" Frisk asked me. I nodded. "What did he want?"

     "He wanted to see me." I fumbled with one of the creases on my dress. The child slowly nodded.

     "Goat mom, may I ask you something?" I nodded yes. What could it possibly be?

     "Do you still love Asgore?"

I paused.
Did I still love Asgore? I thought for a moment. I mean, love is a huge stretch from care.. and I do care, yes. But all of the things he has done in the past still haunt me. Those I can never forgive him for.

     "No my dear. He has done terrible things that I cannot ever forgive him for." I finally replied, and I could feel some weight lifting off my shoulders. Maybe it did help to tell people you love about your problems, even if Frisk was a child.

     "Mhmm, just wondering!" They smiled at me.

---- Frisk POV ----

"Mhmm, just wondering!"

It's official.
I have a new OTP; Sans and Toriel.
Ok, so first of all, back in the underground, Sans took me out for dinner and would not stop talking about her! It is so romantic and ship-worthy that they knew each other, but only their voices! I have a feeling that he likes her but I'm not entirely sure yet. Also, back when I was with mom, she had a diary filled with skeleton puns! One time, I even caught her talking to him behind the door!


Ahem.. anyways..  when mom was on the phone with Sans she was blushing like crazy! She even admitted that she didn't like Asgore anymore! This is perfect! I can't wait to tell Alphys and  Undyne!

I looked up at Chara and smirked a little. I knew that they could tell what I was thinking.

     "Oh no. Nonono. You better not ship mom with that lazy comedian..!" they pulled a face, and I started to giggle a little. Slowly I nodded and Chara rolled their eyes.

     "Great. juuuuust great." Chara started pacing in air. "It doesn't even make sense! She's a goat and he's a skeleton!" I looked up at them and shook my head.  

     "Alphys and Undyne are different species of monsters and they're happy together!" I pointed out in a whisper. Chara just sighed.

     "I hate it when you're right."

I laughed a bit louder, and mom gave me a confused look. Oh shoot, I forgot that she was right there.

     "Frisk my dear, what is so funny?"


     "Uhm.. I just.. remembered the time when.. Sans made a bad pun... back in.. Snowdin..? Annndd... Papyrus got mad?" I sighed in relief as she laughed a little.

     "Oh yes, Sans' puns are quite amusing." I looked over at Flowey as he rolled his eyes.

"Hey mom, can I go over Undyne and Alphys' house tomorrow?" I smiled up at her as she thought for a moment.

"I suppose why not. I will call them to see if they are busy." As mom started to dial the number, I turned back to Chara and picked up where we left off in our conversation.

"Come on! You've got to admit that it's kind of cute!" Chara just rolled their eyes and looked away.

"I'd rather see mom with Asgore." Phhff ASGORE!? I thought to myself as I gave them a puzzled look.

"But mom said she'd never forgive him!" I extended my arms wide in emphasis. Chara sighed.

"Honestly, I just miss the time where we were a family; Me, Mom, Dad and Azzy. I just.. want that back ya know?" I looked at them for a moment.

"Chara.. look. Maybe there's a way for us to turn you back again. I mean as not a ghost. Same for you Asri- I mean Flowey." I smiled hopefully, but they scoffed at the same time.

"Frisk. I don't deserve to live. Besides, everyone probably already hates me." Chara refused to look up at me. I turned to Flowey, and he had his leaves crossed.

"Forget it Frisk. It's never going to happen." I stared blankly at them. They were both running on pure Determination.. yet they had none. It doesn't matter, I can find a way. I know I will. I can always ask Dr. Alphys when I see her tomorrow. Knowing this, a new hope rises up in me filling me with..


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