[Chapter 5:] Memories

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---- Toriel POV ----

Frisk had just left the room as I thought of what they said, a bit confused. Why did I really think that he said that? I shook my head. I do not know why I would think he would like a silly old lady like me. Part of me finds him attractive, even if he is a skeleton. But what I like about him most is his personality. He is so funny! Even with the dumbest jokes, he always manages to make me laugh. Yes, he is a bonehead but I am a dork too. I always get this really weird feeling when I am around him, along with happiness of course. And when he leaves my side I kind of feel a bit sad. I have not felt this way ever since Asgore. I blinked. Do I like him..?

I stepped back from the pot as I admitted it to myself. I think I do like him, a lot actually. But another part of me, the realistic part of my brain says that I should go back with Asgore since there is no chance that he likes me back. The two sides of my mind, realistic and fantasy, keep arguing in my head and making me confused.

F: He always acts weird around you!
R: It's because he could just be an awkward person!
F: Or it's because he likes you!
R: Nah he doesn't. You should just go back with Asgore!
F: Not him! You divorced him a long time ago!
R: Maybe it's time to forgive him!

I don't know! I don't know! I don't know!

I just.. don't know.
The timer on the stove went off, scattering my thoughts. I sighed as I poured the spaghetti into a strainer. I heard someone come in and I turned around. It was Sans; what a coincidence.

     "Heya Tori." The short skeleton leaned against the wall as I smiled. I love that he calls me a nickname. Maybe I should see if I can come up with any good nicknames.

     "Oh hello there Sans!" I turned back to the sink to make sure all of the water was out of the strainer. "The spaghetti is almost done. I thought that surely your brother would like to help me, but he hasn't been in the kitchen once!"

I placed the strainer onto a paper towel as Sans started to walk towards me. When he reached me, his eyes were just barely were over the counter. I looked down at him and smiled. He looked up at me too, but he wouldn't meet my eyes for some reason. I turned back towards the spaghetti. Does he not like me? I poured the spaghetti into a bowl. Of course he doesn't. Stop fooling yourself.

"Heh. Maybe he didn't have the guts to ask?"

I couldn't help it. I burst out laughing so hard that I almost knocked the bowl of spaghetti over. I covered my face with my hands as I laughed, hoping to hide the red on my face. Sans was laughing as well, but why was his face blue?

"Sans?" I asked, slowly down my laughter. "Why is your face blue?"

I must have sounded concerned because his face turned an even darker shade of blue as he waved his hands in front of my face.

"N-No worries Tori! I'm perfectly fine!"

He stuttered?! The fantasy side of my brain thought. That must means he likes you! Sans never stutters!

No. The realistic part took over. It could be.. um.. that he's embarrassed that you noticed the blue on his face? Realism had a pretty rough time explaining it.

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