[Chapter 13:]Flirt Attack

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---- Sans POV --

"Now children can anyone tell my what 2 + 2 is?" Tori said to her class as I sat next to her in a small plastic chair. She had convinced me to come today, insisting that I should come until I got better. I couldn't say no.

Now we've been here for about an hour or two. My ribs hurt like hell, but just seeing all of those happy faces of the first graders made me smile, especially seeing Paps face light up as he raised his hand high in the air. I chuckled to myself. I knew he was going to get the answer wrong since he's never been to school before, but I loved seeing how enthusiastic he was and confident that he had the right answer. Why am I not in this class since I never went to school either? Well, since my dad was a scientist and my brother was too young at the time, I was his assistant. He taught me a lot of what I know today, including a basic education.

"Yes, Papyrus?" Tori called on him and he beamed brightly.

"THE ANSWER TO 2 + 2 MUST BE 22!" He exclaimed, but his face dropped as the beautiful goat shook her head.

"I am sorry Papyrus but 2 + 2 is equal to 4. Good effort though!" She pointed out and continued to explain why this was correct using a number line. I zoned out, watching her and disappeared into my own thoughts. Maybe I should get a job or something, considering that I have to pay bills and pay for food. Maybe I should become a scientist and continue studying the human soul with Alphys again. I remember when we worked together before.. before..

I snapped out of my thoughts as a little boy raised his hand. Tori smiled and called on him.

"Yes Tyler what is it?"

"Why is there another skeleton here?" He asked, pointing towards me. All of the kids vturned towards me and I shrunk down in my chair until I felt a sharp pain in my chest. I've been here for a while already why is he asking questions now?

"Oh that is Sans. Say hello children!" She replied cheerfully.

     "HELLO BROTHER!" Waved Papyrus, followed by multiple 'hello Sans''s. I chuckled until it hurt as I grabbed my chest.

"Heya." I waved with my free hand and Tori came over to me.

"Now do any of you have any questions for Mr. Sans?" She asked before multiple hands shot up. Oh boy. First she called on a small girl that had a shy smile on her face.

"Yes Natalie, what is your question?"

"Why is Sans here?" She asked sweetly and Tori nodded.

"Good question. So Sans here got really hurt because he.. um.. got into a bad fight." She explained as she motioned for me to open up my coat. I did so, exposing the ribs with a red-stained bandage on it. I forgot I didn't have a shirt on. Some kids drew back while some others looked fascinated. I just stood still and tried to ignore the stares.

"So he is staying with me until he gets better!" She finished. More hands went up again.

"Yes Tara?" She called on a girl in the back. But nothing could prepare me for this question.

"Is he your boyfriend?" She asked innocently. I could feel my face heat up. Oh god. I think my 'bad time' eye flashed like it does during some extreme emotions because some kids drew back, mostly in fear while others in fascination. I instinctively covered it. I glanced to Tori quickly and saw that her face was also red. What was she going to say?

How to Save a Life (Sans x Toriel)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin