[Chapter 1:] New New Home

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---- Frisk POV ----

It has been a few months ever since me and Asriel broke the barrier and set everyone free. The monsters have settled in well up here. Most of the humans accepted their presence, but some are still wary of them. There is a place near Mt. Ebott where most of the monsters have settled in; Asgore calls it 'New New Home'. Gee, Asgore is so great at names. . .

Not really.
Me and goat mom live in a house together, as well as Asri- I mean Flowey and Chara. She does a great job at taking care of me, and I love her so much! Down the street is where Sans and Papyrus live. Their house looks strikingly similar to the one in Snowdin, but it has a few differences. For example, it's bigger and it is painted in a different color. Across from them is where Undyne and Alphys live. Ahhhhh! My OTP! They're so cute together! Ahem... I mean.. They have a cute small house, and usually when I pass by I can hear Japanese music blasted to full volume. Probably the anime. Farther down from them in the center of the monster town is where Asgore lives. Since there is still tension between monsters and humans, Asgore still rules monsters while the humans have their mayor. Not only that but his house is huge! It looks like the castle in the underground, but with more house features. It reminds me of a mansion. I try to avoid it as much as possible, for I don't want to make mom worried or more stressed than she has to be. I know she tries her hardest to avoid conversations with him. Somewhere in the monster village is where Mettaton lives. I haven't really seen him nor visited him since we left the underground, so I'm not sure where he lives exactly. The only time I've seen him is when he is on tv; the rest of the humans love him! Mettaton's on various talk shows, movies, and he even has his own show! I hope I can see him soon, for I have been practicing my poses!

I sighed and rolled over in bed to look at my clock; 9 am. I should probably get up now, since mom was probably making breakfast. I yawned and sat up, stretching a bit. Flowey was  on my windowsill, looking out the window. It was dark and rainy outside.

     "What are you looking at?" He spat at me, but I smiled. You have to be patient with Flowey since he didn't have a soul and all. The same goes with Chara, but they're less angry. I got up and flicked on the lights.
   "Nothing." I replied to him. He just scoffed, and turned around.

     "I still don't get it. I tried to kill you. I tried to kill ALL your friends! I tried to end everything but you're still nice to me?!" He looked angry and confused as he said this. I just shook my head. Flowey didn't get it. Everyone deserves a second chance, and I believe that he can be better if he tried. Even without a soul.

     "I believe you can be a better person," I gave him a patient smile. Flowey just turned away and muttered something unaudible under his breath. I shrugged it off.

     "Chara! Time to wake up!" I said before they appeared out of my soul.

"I'm up... I'm up." Chara rubbed their eyes and yawned. Who knew that ghosts needed sleep?

     "Chara! How was your sleep?" I asked cheerfully. Chara groaned sleepily and yawned again.

    "Meh, it was ok." They went over to the window. "Rainy day out.. huh?" I nodded, and Flowey groaned again.

"What's your problem Azzy? Rough night?" Chara asked the flower, a smile on their face. They tilted their head slightly and I got a little concerned. I wasn't entirely sure if Chara was still genocidal, or have given up on their old ways. They told me that they had no interest in harming anyone else, and I believe them. Flowey rolled his eyes, but didn't answer their question.

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