[Chapter 18:] Determination

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—— Toriel POV ——

I drove as fast as I could down the road to the mountain that I never thought I would have to visit again. But here I am.. my best friend is dying in the backseat, my ex husband is the one to cause it and I am the only person that can save him. I sighed as I pulled up to the base of the mountain and got out. I had just called Alphys to tell her that I needed her help just to have her inform me that she was in her old lab. I hope that Sans can hold on for that long.

I opened the back car door and carefully unbuckled the injured skeleton. I would have healed him myself but that would risk becoming dizzy or passing out due to how large the wound was. If the wound was not healed by then and I passed out, Sans could die and that was not a risk that I was going to take. I needed help before it was too late. Carefully I picked him up and closed the door. I locked my car with one hand and held Sans in the other. Then, as fast as I could I raced up the mountain holding Sans in a bridal-style-like position.

It didn't take long before I reached a large cave adjacent to a fairly large ledge. I took a deep breath, hesitating a little bit. I was not looking forward to visiting the underground all too much. But I still pushed on. I ran into the dark cave and raced through the old castle. Before I knew it I was running through Hotlands, my fear and love of Sans being the only things that kept me going. Wait, did I just admit that I loved him? It doesn't matter, for I saw a large, white square building in the distance. Just a little bit farther.

I burst through the open doors only to find it empty. Confused and a bit anxious, I started looking around frantically. Why weren't they here?

Suddenly, I noticed a weird trail of something on the floor. Still holding the short skeleton, I bent over a little bit to try and make out what it was. Planting soil. I scrunched my face up in confusion before the realization clicked. Of course! Flowey's pot always left a trail of dirt behind Frisk and I always had to be the one to clean it up.  Now thankful for the mess, I followed the trail to an old door. It was opened but all I can see inside is black nothingness. Quickly, I looked around for anything that could be a suitable light source. All of the surfaces in the old, abandoned lab was blanketed in dust, making my search harder. However there was an old flashlight on a counter which I found rather easily. I placed Sans gently on the floor and walked over to it. I picked it up and fumbled with the buttons until it turned on. I let out a sigh of relief. At least that was not too difficult, though I still need to find Frisk and Alphys.

Before I went to the next room I placed the flashlight down and kneeled next to Sans on the floor. Using only as much energy as I could spare, I began to heal the skeleton a little bit. Even though this was only enough to stop the bleeding, it was better than nothing. I gently touched the injured skeleton's face and sighed. He was unconscious, but not forever if I could find the duo in time. Being reminded of my limited time span, I hoisted Sans onto my shoulder and picked up the old flashlight. Then, I began to make my way down the dark, creepy hallway.

It didn't take me long to run down the long, winding hallways, following the dirt trail. I soon found a room with a few flashlights littering on the floor, providing light. As quickly as I could I ran in and almost knocked Alphys over. By now I was breathing rather heavily as Alphys tried to calm me down.

     "O-Oh hello Toriel!" The lizard adjusted her crooked glasses and smiled until she saw Sans hanging over my shoulder. Besides Alphys in the room there was Frisk holding Flowey and a strange, tall skeleton. He was wearing a lab coat and a grey sweater as well as black slacks and black dress shoes. He had cracks on his face and holes in his hands, which looked rather painful but he seemed unbothered by them. He looked very familiar to me but I could not think of his name.

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