[Chapter 19:] Clear

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—— Chara POV ——

I watched as Gaster, Alphys and Mom crowded around the injured comedian and talked quietly. I wonder what happened to him?

I sat, or rather floated causally on the table, watching the chaos play out. I had my thin, transparent legs crossed and my arms resting by my side in a slouched position. All of a sudden everyone started crying and panicking as Frisk left me to see what was going on. After a few minutes talking to Alphys they too came back crying.

"What's up with the comedian?" I asked, tilting my head to the side as they wiped their face.

"M-Mom doesn't think that he's doing to make it.." They sniffed as I raised my eyebrows. Wow, this was definitely worse than what I thought. Suddenly, it got even worse! Mom fell backwards and laid lifeless on the floor. She was obviously unconscious but it was shocking to me that she would just drop to the floor like that. Alphys screamed a little in surprise and Frisk started crying more. I sighed, rubbing my temple. Idiots.

The group parted as Alphys hugged Gaster solemnly and I got a clear look at Sans. It looked rather hopeless for the skeleton now. He had turned to dust all the way up to his rib cage and he looked beyond being able to be saved. Alphys hung her head in sorrow as Gaster gave her a grim look, a deep regret hidden behind his eyes. I wanted to feel sorry for the poor skeleton but since I had no soul I couldn't. Instead I rolled my eyes and sarcastically patted Frisk on the back. This surprisingly seemed to help them a little because they looked back at me and smiled, tears still streaming down their face. I grunted and crossed my arms before Frisk turned around and walked over to the grief-stricken lizard. The trio was kneeling next to the skeleton, looking rather hopeless. I turned to look at Flowey, who seemed unfazed by the whole situation. But deep down I know that the Asriel still left inside of his empty, unfeeling plant shell was scared. I could see it in his eyes and the way that they darted from side to side. I couldn't blame him.

Suddenly, as I turned my head something remarkable happened. Sans' body actually started to reform again. Although mom was still passed out, I could feel a wave of relief overtake me. I don't know why. Alphys started crying of joy while Gaster smiled, hugging the now ecstatic lizard. The unmoving skeleton, newly reformed, suddenly gasped for air and started hyperventilating. Instead of his HP going to 1, it spiked to 10. His body jolted a bit with the extra energy before he shot up, magic dripping off of his skull like sweat. His eyes darted around, panicked and confused. Alphys went to approach him but he shuffled backwards.

     "W-Who are you..?" He spluttered, moving his hand near his face defensively. Alphys' jaw dropped as she looked back at Gaster. The tall skeleton looked utterly shocked as he shrugged back at her. Did Sans loose his memory?

Sans stayed in his defensive pose, eyes darting around the room. He still looked very confused as Alphys attempted to approach him again.

     "I-I am Alphys, your friend?" She said softly as she readjusted her glasses. "D-Do you remember your n-name?"

Sans thought for a moment before shaking his head no. I guess that he did loose his memory after all. Frisk gasped as the realization hit them, covering their mouth with their tiny hands. They then ran over to the trio and asked Sans a number of questions. He didn't know any of the answers.

Suddenly, Mom started to wake up. I clenched my fists together, becoming tense. I was scared for her reaction to Sans being in this state, since she supposedly "loves him so much" as said by Frisk. Slowly, she sat up and Sans flinched. He gazed at the beautiful goat in awe as she suddenly smiled at him.

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