[Chapter 11:] Tell the Truth

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---- Frisk POV ----

First day of school.
I woke up Monday morning with a happy heart until the thought dawned on me. It's ok, I'm sure it will be fine! Besides, I'm going to Alphys' after school!

Groggily, I rolled over in the dark and looked over at my clock; it read 6:30 am. Yawning, I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I should probably get up now since school starts at 7:50.

"Chara," I yawned. "it's time to get up."

But they refused.

I laughed softly. I guess that I could let them sleep in. Quickly, I changed into my regular striped shirt and brown pants. I then walked over to the big mirror that was on my dresser and studied myself for a moment. I looked alright, but my hair was a mess. As quickly as I could, I combed it down before walking out of the door. I think I looked decent. As I made my way down the hallway, Papyrus stepped out of the guest room looking tired but frustrated. I was confused for a second until I remembered. Papyrus, worried sick had come over last night in search of Sans. Since it was already late, he had slept over on the chair found in the guest room next to his brother. Sans was still recovering, but when I looked into the room he seemed to look better. Mom was sitting with him and he was smiling. I guessed that mom was smiling as well but I couldn't see her face. They were probably making puns, which could explain why Papyrus left. Curious, I slowly walked in.

They were laughing as I came into earshot. But as I approached, Sans looked up. Toriel adjusted herself to look towards me. I stood awkwardly beside the bed as mom gave me a smile.

    "Hello my child. How was your sleep?"

"Good." I replied. I had slept well knowing that Sans was alive and that Chara would be soon too. "What were you laughing about?"

Mom smiled brighter. "Oh! I was looking though my phone and I had found some of the messages that I had sent you when we were in the underground!" She took a second to giggle before taking out her phone. "See!"

She held the screen in front of my face as I read one of the messages:

"Hey frisk, this is Torrrrieellll. i just baked like 1000000 pies. do you want any? make sure you brush your teeth before crossing the street, frisk."

I laughed at this, remembering that Sans had wrote it. It was pretty funny and really cute. I remember being so confused when I read it the first time until I figured out that Sans was writing mom's messages for her. I wonder how Asgore reacted, watching all of this happen. He was probably annoyed or sad.

I proceeded to read a few other messages until I came to this one:

"This is Sans. Frisk, did you know that I love to 'get owned?' I also think that Toriel is very good and fhfjkehfeaufsisf
Excuse me

I kept laughing, but I was curious about one part.

"Mom, what did Sans mean by 'I think Toriel is very good and -random noises, trying to pronounce gibberish-?"

"Dunno. Tori what were you going to type?" Sans asked, giving her a grin and cocking an eyebrow. Mom reacted by rolling her eyes and blushing slightly, letting out a small giggle. I wonder what they were thinking about?

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